

おばさんの料理教室 柚子の釜蒸し

2022年11月08日 | 日記



①白身の魚・豆腐・椎茸・蕪のすりおろし等を、あらかた出汁で煮る。      *片栗粉でとろみを付けるのも良い。


②①を柚子の中味を取り除いた中に詰めて、10分ほど蒸す。          *溶き卵を入れても良い




Yuzu steamed in a
kettle winter dish, yuzu has a good aroma, is rich in vitamins and warms the body.


 ①Boil white fish, tofu, shiitake mushrooms, grated turnips, in the broth. * It is also good to thicken with potato starch.

* Ingredients include meat, shrimp, sea bream, guji, kamaboko, etc. Vegetables can be anything such as mushrooms, lily root, ginnan, rape blossoms, bok beans, cabbage, broccoli, green onions, spinach, and mochi.

②Pack in the yuzu with the contents removed and steam for about 10 minutes.

  * You can add beaten eggs.

③Serve on a bowl and plate, and serve with a small spoon.

How to make dashi

Soak 10g of kelp in 3 cups of water for 30 minutes in summer and 1 hour in winter, remove it, boil it, add 20g of bonito flakes, turn off the heat, and strain when the bonito flakes sink. You can also cut corners with noodle soup.



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