
F1 サウジアラビアGP初日 アロンソ コメント

Fernando Alonso – FP1: 1:30.315, P3; FP2: 1:29.811, P2

“It has been a strong day for us as we continue to learn about this car. We knew that Jeddah would present different challenges to Bahrain and it is almost like a second test here for everyone this weekend. Overall, the day went smoothly for us as we are trying to optimise the setup and adjust to the high-speed nature of this circuit. We have a lot of data to analyse as usual for a Friday and we will continue to look at everything tonight and into tomorrow. Our main goal will be to reach Q3 again.”

🔶    🔶

誤訳は ご容赦を。


Fernando Alonso – FP1: 1:30.315, P3; FP2: 1:29.811, P2

フェルナンド・アロンソ 練習走行1 3位 :練習走行2 2位



“It has been a strong day   for us

ずっと力強い一日だったよ 僕たちにとってはね

               as we continue to learn     about this car.

    だって、僕たちは、学び続けたからね このマシンについてね。



We knew  that Jeddah would present different challenges to Bahrain

解ってるよ ジッダはバーレーンとは異なったチャレンジがいるって事をね 



        it is almost like a second test here  for everyone this weekend.

  ここは2度目のテストのようなものって事もね  全員にとって今週末はね。



      **Jeddah → サウジアラビアGPの開催都市

      **Bahrain→ バーレーン:開幕戦のGP      





the day  went smoothly    for us

今日は、 スムーズに行ったよ 僕たちにとってはね

   as we are trying to  optimise the setup

  だって僕たちは    セットアップを最適化して


                                             adjust to the high-speed nature of this circuit.





We have a lot of data


          to analyse as usual for a Friday




we will continue to look at everything


                tonight and into tomorrow.




Our main goal  will  be to reach Q3     again.”

僕たちの主な目標は、予選3に進出することだよ 再びね



      **Q3 →上位10名が進出できる予選3回目


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