
F1 バーレーンGP初日 ルクレール コメント

Charles Leclerc - FP1: 1:34.257, P5; FP2: 1:31.367, P4

"Our first day of free practice went OK. We completed a lot of laps and I feel more and more comfortable in the car, which is positive. It is still difficult to tell where we stand as everyone seems to have been running very different plans, but we are focusing on ourselves and will keep pushing in the right direction."

🔶         🔶

誤訳は ご容赦を。


Charles Leclerc - FP1: 1:34.257, P5; FP2: 1:31.367, P4

シャルル・ルクレール 練習走行1 3位 ;練習走行2 4位


"Our first day of free practice  went  OK.

僕達のフリー走行初日は   上手くいったよ。



We    completed  a lot of laps

僕達は、やり遂げたよ たくさんの周回をね



I feel    more and more  comfortable    in the car

感じるんだ だんだんと 心地よくなってるってね マシンの中で

                     , which is positive.




It is still difficult  to tell where we stand

まだ難しいよね  僕達の立ち位置を語るのはね

  as   everyone seems to have been running very different plans,

 だって 皆、とても異なるプランで走ってるみたいだからね



we   are focusing  on   ourselves

僕達は 集中してるんだ 自分達自身にね



     will keep pushing   in the right direction."

   プッシュし続けるよ 正しい方向にね!


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