tetujin's blog



2022-05-14 19:08:57 | 日記

I worked in the garden and was bitten by a gnat for the first time in this year. When stabbed, it swells severely and has a fever. Itching continues all the time.
I thought that there was no gnat overseas, however, the gardeners were similarly troubled. Wondering how to get rid of fungus gnats? I am not alone! 

Some unwelcome visitors making our houseplants their home, those annoying little flies that appear whenever we water our plants. However, there are simple ways to not only prevent but also get rid of fungus gnats in soil.

Killing off soil gnats is really not very difficult, and thankfully, we don’t need to bug bomb our home (yay). It all has to do with disrupting their life cycle and making your home inhospitable for these pests.

Fungus gnat larvae need moist soil to survive. By letting it dry out completely before your next watering, it will get rid of the gnats in the soil and discourage new adults from laying fungus gnat eggs, thus effectively cutting out the larval stage altogether. 

Or, Take a cup of water and add a few drops of liquid dish soap or liquid Castille soap. Use a spray bottle to spray the top of the soil with this to kill the larvae. Repeat this process again in a few days to ensure that you have killed all of the larvae.

Foolproof Fungus Gnat Prevention and Control

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