tetujin's blog


From Miyamoto To You

2022-05-20 22:32:38 | cinema

The story of a new graduate salesman who grew up awkwardly through love and work and found his way of life.

Raw energy and brutal realism are still here, and the film is impressive, especially for those who can see beyond violence.

Even so, Yu Aoi's acted as so crazy. Due to Miyamoto's blunder, Yasuko(Yu) suffers deep wounds, and her hysteria escalate day by day, but this is very painful because her wounds are injured. She can't stand to hear her painful screams and wants to block her ears.

Therefore, Miyamoto's anger rose beyond the limits in response to her urgent proceedings, betting his own death. One must be so serious in order to protect his loved ones. Such a man is also one of my longings.

From Miyamoto To You 宮本から君へ Miyamoto kara Kimi e #2019 LiVE ACTioN MoViE #TRAiLER #HD

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