


2021年09月07日 22時38分43秒 | 政治

NPO法人インターバンド 理事 阪口直人「国際社会はミャンマーの人々を見捨てるのか」 ~紛争仲介力を生み出す市民の力~ 

I served as a lecturer at the online lecture hosted by the United States Global Peace Foundation Japan on 19 June.
The title of the lecture is ‘Is the international society going to abandon the people of Myanmar? - the power of citizens who create conflict mediation'
People of Myanmar are disappointed for the international society that can't act effectively for the terrorism by the national army against peaceful demonstrations. And the people of Myanmar are now in the turnning point of armed struggle together with the minority armed forces against national army. Meanwhile, it seems that there are a lot of soldiers who actually want to act for justice but can't escape from the national army. The Myanmar Unified Government (NUG), which is made by the democratic union, is trying to compose the federal army and act with the warriors who actually want to work for the real happiness of the people. So NUG is calling to soldiers in national army to join federal army. Some people are thinking that Cuban revolution which collapsed the dictatorship by high moral and discipline of young leaders will be one of the model for them.
If we contribute to change the situation, and empower NUG, we can creates the possibility and the future that people of Myanmar really want! And in the lecture, we discussed from the perspective what Japanese citizens can do to create the environment so that mediation work to change the situation.

6月19日に米国Global Peace Foundation Japanが主催したオンラインセミナーで講師を務めました。講演のテーマは「国際社会はミャンマーの人々を見捨てるのか? -紛争調停を生み出す市民の力」でした。



