久しぶりに5才児向けに手紙を書いた。しかも慣れない英語で。娘から「Grandparents Day があるから入学したての学校宛に英語でお手紙を送って」とメールがあったのだ。5才児に解るような内容を英語でと近年にない注文である。そして3日目。去年一緒に遊んだ近所の子供達と写真をとり、過日コレ又何年かぶりの外国郵便を投函した。5才(プレスクール)から通う小学校の担任が皆の前で読むらしい。難しい英文は困難だが5才児向けなら何とかなるだろうと、祖父である夫が下書きし、私が英文にした。たまに朝のTVで英語学習をしている身なれば、ここぞ挑戦してみるベシと。
Dear Sumire and Lily
You had staied 2.5 months in our house last summer.Do you remember at that time?.It passed just one year.When You staied with us,We used to play together with neighbor,fireworking,rideon a tricycle, go to the restaurant ,Shunsuke & Yoto & Junn. On that days, Junn was baby. But he was growjng up day by day. And now he is walking ,running after Yuto & Shunsuke although sometime he fall down. I’ll send you a few photos. Do you remember each of member’s name? There are some kind of ants , incents , birds in our garden ,too. We used to dig the ground with shovel . Another photo is your Mum’s elder brother’s family. We are so happy to meet you on Skype every weekend. We love to see your dance ,to hear your songs on it .Especialy Your Japanese dances and songs make you so cute. We would like to keeping on to hug lovely you in our arms all day long .But We have to wait to get there next summer.Not so far days I’ll visit your new house. And I’ll take you to Japan again among your summer vacation.Our another granddoughters (in photo)are waiting to see you in Japan ,too. Good luck ! with our love !!
To teacher.we are so happy to get your envitation to your grandparents day class.