技術革新で成長力強化 安倍首相 来月訪中めざす あす所信表明
Through technological innovation Japan should intensify its growth power.
Tommorow Abe's first policy speech will be delivered in the Diet.And he intens to visit China next month.
in a table, Outline of Prime Minister Abe's Policy Speech
安倍内閣 支持71% 小泉内閣に次ぐ高水準 発足時
Approval rating for Abe Cabinet is 71%, which is the second high after that for Koizumi Cabinet at its start,according to a poll conducted by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
松下、ブラジル生産 DVD録再機 デジカメ 現地の需要拡大見込む
Matsushita has started manufacturing DVD record and players and digital cameras in Brazil because the demand for the two products can be seen very high in the near future there.
NY株、最高迫る 日経平均390円高
Stock prices in New York Stock Exchange,in the morning bourse on the 27th,was approaching its highest-ever record.Meanwhile, at Toko Stock Exchange, the Nikkei Average ended at the level of 390 yen higher than the previous day , on the 27th.
Through technological innovation Japan should intensify its growth power.
Tommorow Abe's first policy speech will be delivered in the Diet.And he intens to visit China next month.
in a table, Outline of Prime Minister Abe's Policy Speech
安倍内閣 支持71% 小泉内閣に次ぐ高水準 発足時
Approval rating for Abe Cabinet is 71%, which is the second high after that for Koizumi Cabinet at its start,according to a poll conducted by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
松下、ブラジル生産 DVD録再機 デジカメ 現地の需要拡大見込む
Matsushita has started manufacturing DVD record and players and digital cameras in Brazil because the demand for the two products can be seen very high in the near future there.
NY株、最高迫る 日経平均390円高
Stock prices in New York Stock Exchange,in the morning bourse on the 27th,was approaching its highest-ever record.Meanwhile, at Toko Stock Exchange, the Nikkei Average ended at the level of 390 yen higher than the previous day , on the 27th.