翻訳ソフト DeepLがちょっと面白いので、また、やってみた。
一つ前のWAE/CWとKCJのレビュー投稿をそのまま機械的に翻訳 笑えたり、意味不明な個所が多々ある。
Who decided to have WAE/CW and KCJ in the middle of Obon (or July Obon in some regions), and I hear it was because of the Ham Fair overlap? What about next year?
I was mulling over which one to mainline until the last minute, but it turned out to be an odd double-header: WAE is against the EU, so it starts getting busy around 3pm on Saturday, so I thought I'd start on 21MHz here, shift to 14MHz around the time the date changes, and just run through the day. I thought I would start at 21MHz and shift to 14MHz around the change of the date, and then run through the day, but around 9pm when I shifted from 21MHz to 14MHz, I had some free time, so I played KCJ on 14MHz. From here I worked mainly on 14MHz until about 6:00, and then a little bit on 7MHz.
Then, since WAE was not busy until 3pm, I played KCJ on 14MHz again, looked at 28MHz on one side of SO2R and found it open, so I went back and forth between 14MHz and 28MHz for a while, submitted the 28MHz log in the check log, and at 3pm, went back to 21MHz on WAE again. I went back to KCJ on 14MHz, which was still open, but there was no one to call.
When I finished, I found that KCJ's 14MHz was open from the start to the end of the session, and the station that had been working steadily must have left a reasonable score.
I think that the station that was doing well was able to get a good score. I was able to use 14MHz from 15:00 to past 21:00, then 14MHz until the morning. In fact, some of the people who are always up there were on a hot spring vacation, and there was some talk that the typhoon might keep some people from the central part of Japan from coming out. I could hear the devil's lure that we could aim for the top, although it was inappropriate, but in the end, there is no way to win if you go to bed at night. ........
And the charm of WAE? I enjoyed sending QTC, which is the charm of WAE, thanks to N1MM. I had 31 QSOs left in my inventory, but this one was left as a result of having to prioritize between communicating on 7 MHz and QTC on 14 MHz near the end of the conditions.
Lesson learned: one who chases two hares will never catch a rabbit!
KCJ is here
IC-7700(100W) IC-7600 14MHz5ele 28MHz2ele Logging N1MM
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