JA6WFM DX - CONTEST-50MHz plus 160m JCG-43012



2006-02-09 07:48:36 | アマチュア無線
先ほどARRL-DXCCマネージャーのNC1L BILL氏より、我々のガテマラでの運用について問い合わせがありました。運用許可の事実確認でしょうか?




Hi Bill
I send our licence and some infomation about operate in Antigua city of the Guatemala Republic.

Our license was applied for and received through the Guatemala radio club which is an IARU member.
The process sends a license of its own country, and the copy of a passport to a radio club.
The contents are examined and a radio club reports the application to the Communication Bureau.

The Communication Bureau checks the contents and the sign of acceptance is made.
Although an employment license form is radio club issue,
the contents are checked in the Communication Bureau and the radio club has become the window of all procedure about short-term employment.

There was a claim of being invalid, about our employment permission from some local hams.
Moreover, there was also interference to employment. It worries about the radio club about their interference to employment of a foreign caller for many years.

It is that the Guatemala republic Communication Bureau is checking about employment to us.
The permit of the radio club issue used as the window is received as a document. For our employment, I think that it is satisfactory at all.

The attached document 1 is the application reported to the Communication Bureau from the radio club.
There is also a sign received in the Communication Bureau.

A document 2 is the short-term employment license form of radio club issue.

If there is a question about these licenses, we will recommend you to ask a direct radio club and to carry out.

In appreciation of your inquiry, it believes that our employment is simultaneously formal


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