1. 私は今まで、日本国憲法第9条を擁護し広めていこうという皆さんの活動を支持してきました。NHKの取材を受け、PROJECT JAPAN というスペシャル番組に貢献したこともあります。憲法第9条は唯一無二の世界遺産です。そして今、私はあなた方の支援を必要としています。それは具体的に言うと:
(a) 国連憲章に明記された「過渡期」(国連憲章第160条)に賛同し、各国が各々の憲法規定と国連憲章に従って、過渡期へ移行するための段階を踏んでいくよう促進すること。「過渡期」とは何かを最もよく説明したクインシー・ライトの記事を読んでください(添付ファイル参照!)。
(b) どうか憲法第9条が支持されるべき「動議」であるという考えを後押しして下さい。それは他国が似た条項を国家憲法に取り入れることを、ただ待つのとは違います。事実、すでに多数の現行憲法において、憲法第9条と密接な関係を持った条文が見受けられます。(私の記事「Normative Current」(規範的傾向)を見てください!) その「後押し」は、国連総会で実現されるのが望ましいのです。
2. 具体的に言うと、皆さんには憲法第9条を支持するために、武装軍隊や常駐軍を保有していない国々に働きかけてほしいのです。私が書いた暫定提案書を添付したので、ご覧下さい!ニューヨークにある国連のいくつかの代表団も、この件に関して連絡をしています。
3. 加えて、もしよろしければ、どなたか私の本の短いレビューを書いていただけないでしょうか。この本は、私が以前執筆した、平和外交主義者「幣原喜重郎」に関する著書を、小さくまとめたものです。Amazon.co.jp のウェブページを参照してください!もちろん拙著を購入されても嬉しい限りです!原型とした上下巻からなる、外交官・幣原喜重郎についての研究論文である拙著は、上巻はここで、下巻はここで、購入できます。ご存知かと思いますが、この本は偉大な外交官であり政治家の幣原喜重郎に関する唯一のモノグラフであり、英語とドイツ語で出版されています。
4. 2014年9月19日の週刊金曜日に掲載された伊藤成彦氏の記事と、2014年10月7日の毎日新聞に掲載された1905年のノーベル平和賞受賞者ベルタ・フォン・ズットナーに関する記事をお読み下さい。伊藤成彦氏の記事は憲法第9条が幣原喜重郎の考えだという認識を示しており、私自身の研究でもこのことは明確でした。
5. 最後に、憲法第9条のノーベル平和賞受賞に対する、積極的な支持を表明をしたいと思います。
戦争制度廃止という日本の動議を支持する?br /> (国連総会への暫定的声明案 - シビル・ソサイエティー草案)
Dear colleagues and friends of Article 9,
I have a plan I would like you to consider for promoting the purposes and principle of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution.
1. I have always supported your work defending and promoting Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution. I have even been interviewed by NHK and the information I gave was used in the program called PROJECT JAPAN. Article 9 is unique and an international treasure. And now I want you to support me. That means concretely that
a) you sponsor the transition stipulated in the UN Charter, and encourage other nations to take steps in accordance with their constitutions and the UN Charter to embark on the transition. Please read the article by Quincy Wright that is best to explain what the transition means (see attachment!)
b) Please support the idea that Article 9 is a ‘motion’ that needs to be seconded. This is different from merely wanting other countries to adopt a similar provision in their national constitutions. In fact there already are many constitutions with articles that relate closely to Article 9. (Please see my ‘Normative Current’!) In this scheme the ‘seconding’ would preferably happen in the UN General Assembly.
2. Concretely, I would like you to support "seconding Article 9" by lobbying the group of countries not maintaining armed forces or not having s standing army. See the tentative draft proposal I have drawn up, in the attachment! Several Missions of the United Nations in New York have already been contacted about the matter.
3. Also, I would like someone to write a short review of my book on Article 9 and Japan; the book is a short version of my larger work on the pacifist diplomat Shidehara Kijuro.
See the book on the Amazon.co.jp webpage! Of course you are also welcome to buy the book! For the larger work on the pacifist diplomat Shidehara Kijuro in two volumes see the book on Amazon.com webpage, volume I and volume II! As you may know, my book is the only monograph in German and English written about this great diplomate and politician.
As you may know, my book is the only monograph in German and English written about this great diplomat and politician.
4. My own research has been confirmed by the article by the eminent pacifist scholar Ito Naruhiko that was published in the weekly Shukan Kinyoubi, and an article on the 1905 Nobel Peace Laureate Bertha von Suttner in the Mainichi Shimbun. Ito Naruhiko’s article confirms Shidehara’s authorship of Article 9.
5. Lastly I wish to confirm my support for continuing to campaign for Article 9 to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
Sincere regards,
Dr. Klaus Schlichtmann
Seconding The Japanese Motion To Abolish War As An Institution
(Tentative Draft Statement In The Un General Assembly―Civil Society Draft Proposal)
The Group of countries without armed forces and/or no standing army
HAVING CAREFULLY STUDIED the history and purpose of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution (1947), as proposed to General Douglas MacArthur by Prime Minister Kijuro Shidehara on 24 January 1946,
RECALLING Title VI of the Constitution of the First French Republic (1791), renouncing aggressive war, and also Article 88 of the Brazilian Constitution (1891) introduced on the occasion of the centenary of the adoption of the French Title in 1791,
COMMENDING the efforts of The Hague Peace Conferences in 1899 and 1907, aiming at disarmament and replacing the institution of war with a legal system including the creation of an international court with binding powers,
REMEMBERING the creation of the League of Nations by the victorious powers and the efforts of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in 1924, recommending that articles outlawing war be introduced into national constitutions, furthermore
INVOKING the Kellogg-Briand Pact/Eternal Pact of Paris outlawing aggressive war, and
RECALLING the subsequent creation of the United Nations providing for the Transition from the present state of armed peace to unarmed collective security guaranteed by an international police force provided by the five permanent members and others who will take up the responsibility to see that the transition is peaceful,
REMEMBERING the Russian insistence, at the time of the Korean crisis prior to the start of the war, that Article 106 of the UN Charter (Transitional Security Arrangements) must be implemented before Russia could join the UN collective action to repel the aggression from the North,
POINTING OUT the stipulations in national constitutions, to limit national sovereignty with the purpose of empowering the international organization of peace, e.g. the French Constitution (1946): “On condition of reciprocity, France accepts the limitations of sovereignty necessary for the organization and defense of peace.”
AND INVOKING the McCloy-Zorin Accords unanimously adopted by the UN General Assembly on 20 December 1961, aiming at abolishing war as an institution,
SECOND the Japanese motion to abolish war and establish an "international peace based on justice and order."