ロバート・ピクトン事件とバンクーバーの貧困地帯と売春婦(主に先住民が多い)Robert Pickton -:Canada's most brutal 50 victims serial killer!
Robert Pickton - The pig farm : Canada's most brutal 50 victims serial killer (crime documentary)
Robert Pickton - The pig farm: Canada's most brutal 50 victims serial killer (crime documentary)
Robert William "Willie" Pickton (born October 24, 1949) of Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada, is a former multi-millionaire pig farmer and serial killer convicted in 2007 of the second-degree murders of six women. He was also charged in the deaths of an additional twenty women, many of them from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside; however, these charges were stayed by the Crown in 2010. In December 2007, he was sentenced to life in prison, with no possibility of parole for 25 years – the longest sentence then available under Canadian law for murder.百万長者の養豚業者
During the trial's first day of jury evidence, January 22, 2007, the Crown stated he confessed to 49 murders to an undercover police officer posing as a cellmate. The Crown reported that Pickton told the officer that he wanted to kill another woman to make it an even 50, and that he was caught because he was "sloppy".
<Police had arrested Robert Pickton, a serial killer who had been preying on women from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside district for years - many of his victims indigenous, many of them marginalized.<br> 警察は何年もの間バンクーバーのダウンタウンイーストサイド地区の女性を捕食してきた連<続殺人犯のロバート・ピックトンを逮捕した - 彼らの多くは先住民族で、それらの多くは取り残されていた。<br> <br> Authorities had long denied there was a pattern to the disappearances, or that they might be linked.<br> 当局は、失踪のパターンがあること、または関連している可能性があることを長い間否定していました。<br> <br> A subsequent provincial inquiry laid bare the systemic failure and bias that allowed Pickton to murder women for years without being caught.<br> その後の州の調査では、ピックトンが何年もの間、捕らえられずに女性を殺害することを可能にした体系的な失敗と偏見が明らかになった。<br> <br> Why I failed to catch Canada's worst serial killer:カナダで最悪の連続殺人犯を捕まえられなかった理由<br> Red River women - The case that sparked the inquiry:レッドリバーの女性 - 調査のきっかけとなった事例
Pickton was eventually sentenced to life in prison for the murder of six women. He had initially been charged with killing 26 women from a total of 69 who had gone missing throughout the 1980s and 1990s.
His high-profile trial brought with it a growing suspicion among campaigners like Jacobs that what had happened in British Columbia, where indigenous women were disproportionately reflected among women reported missing or killed, would be seen on a national level.
Robert Pickton - The pig farm : Canada's most brutal 50 victims serial killer (crime documentary)
Robert Pickton - The pig farm: Canada's most brutal 50 victims serial killer (crime documentary)
Robert William "Willie" Pickton (born October 24, 1949) of Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada, is a former multi-millionaire pig farmer and serial killer convicted in 2007 of the second-degree murders of six women. He was also charged in the deaths of an additional twenty women, many of them from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside; however, these charges were stayed by the Crown in 2010. In December 2007, he was sentenced to life in prison, with no possibility of parole for 25 years – the longest sentence then available under Canadian law for murder.百万長者の養豚業者
During the trial's first day of jury evidence, January 22, 2007, the Crown stated he confessed to 49 murders to an undercover police officer posing as a cellmate. The Crown reported that Pickton told the officer that he wanted to kill another woman to make it an even 50, and that he was caught because he was "sloppy".
<Police had arrested Robert Pickton, a serial killer who had been preying on women from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside district for years - many of his victims indigenous, many of them marginalized.<br> 警察は何年もの間バンクーバーのダウンタウンイーストサイド地区の女性を捕食してきた連<続殺人犯のロバート・ピックトンを逮捕した - 彼らの多くは先住民族で、それらの多くは取り残されていた。<br> <br> Authorities had long denied there was a pattern to the disappearances, or that they might be linked.<br> 当局は、失踪のパターンがあること、または関連している可能性があることを長い間否定していました。<br> <br> A subsequent provincial inquiry laid bare the systemic failure and bias that allowed Pickton to murder women for years without being caught.<br> その後の州の調査では、ピックトンが何年もの間、捕らえられずに女性を殺害することを可能にした体系的な失敗と偏見が明らかになった。<br> <br> Why I failed to catch Canada's worst serial killer:カナダで最悪の連続殺人犯を捕まえられなかった理由<br> Red River women - The case that sparked the inquiry:レッドリバーの女性 - 調査のきっかけとなった事例
Pickton was eventually sentenced to life in prison for the murder of six women. He had initially been charged with killing 26 women from a total of 69 who had gone missing throughout the 1980s and 1990s.
His high-profile trial brought with it a growing suspicion among campaigners like Jacobs that what had happened in British Columbia, where indigenous women were disproportionately reflected among women reported missing or killed, would be seen on a national level.