

A Book: Across the Milky Way 流るる月も心して

2008-02-02 23:30:21 | アート・文化

0527ah_across2_1 「天の川 流るる月も心して まれの逢瀬に光とどめよ」は後水尾院の和歌です。人間愛と異文化共生をテーマにした英・和文併記の物語『Across the Milky Way:流るる月も心して』のタイトルはこの和歌の一部から。恋人を亡くした傷心の女性が北南米、アジア、中東、アフリカなど、世界6大陸を手探りで歩き、異文化の人々と心温まる交流を重ね、生きる希望を見つけるストーリーです。

A Book Review of “Across the Milky Way” :Cultural Co-existence themed, based on her cross-cultural experiences in over 50 countries Ayako Ogawa,Ph.D, who is an essayist and global education scholar, published a story book titled, “Across the Milky Way.” In this collection of short stories, Midori, an unusual and charming woman who lost her boyfriend Ken, launches herself into a pilgrimage toward love. She feels her way across the six continents seeking humane love, exchanges warm hearts in various countries, and finds hope to live. In doing so, she meets unforgettable characters from fascinating cultures. The heroine’s travels are stormy but full of excitement and sensation. This is a cross-cultural book, which seeks co-existence and peace between cultures, and is written in both English and Japanese, based on the author’s experiences as a globe wanderer. Hence, it would be particularly useful for those who are interested in or studying English, Japanese, or both. The author states,” The readers who travel with Midori, the heroine, across the various cultures will be warmed in their hearts and will hopefully receive some inspiration, especially that of being challenged. The story will bring them comfort.” Its beautiful cover is a scene of Tanabata, the Japanese Star Festival. In the legend of the Star Festival, the stars Vega and Altair meet only once a year on the night of Tanabata, the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, if the night is clear. The fate of Midori and Ken overlaps the fate of the two stars. (by 東京新聞, Dec.7, 2006) Contact: ogawaa@sepia.ocn.ne.jp(彩の渦輪)


2008-02-01 02:06:41 | ブログ

