2月末、UC, Raymond Walters Collegeの日本文化コースでは茶道の先生、石宇ゆうかさんとだんな様のMiami大Professor哲也さんを迎えて茶道のデモンストレーションをやっていただき、学生の殆どがミニ茶会に参加した。よい経験が出来たと大変喜んでくれた。ゆうか先生の実演と哲也さんの説明を熱心に聞く学生の画像を挿入してみた。(彩の渦輪)
In Chado, the main purpose appears to very ritualistic and formal. This is true to one degree. However, the four main principals are that of harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility. All these can exist between objects or people. In the handout that was given, it even says " by learning Chado, we seek the ultimate peace of mind." I don't know how one could think of other things while participating in this practice. It requires all of your focus and attention. I believe the rest of the world would slip away to the back of your mind. You very much have to be in the moment.(彩の渦輪)