The following one
be on the field ミ
佐藤万璃音 ユーロF3継続参戦へ
日本メーカーや大きなスポンサーなしで 単身ユーロF3を戦っていた
11:04 – Motopark has retained Marino Sato for the upcoming European Formula 3 campaign.
Japanese racer Sato, 18, contested his rookie European F3 season with Motopark in 2017, scoring his only point at the penultimate round of the season in Austria, leaving him 19th in the standings.
Prior to F3, he spent two seasons in Italian F4, classifying 10th and 18th respectively.
"I'm glad to get another crack at F3 with Team Motopark," said Sato.
"I learnt a lot in 2017 and feel much more ready for the championship now. This is one of the key reasons why I opted for Team Motopark in the first place, and it has proved right ever since.
"I wanted to learn as much about Formula 3 as I could in my maiden year, and in Team Motopark, I found the best possible teachers."
Motopark team boss Timo Rumpfkeil added: "2017 was a difficult year for Marino – after all, the decision to join F3 came very late, and with the exception of Monza and Spielberg, he hadn't known any of the tracks.
"We all knew it would be a tough year, but Marino learnt his lessons fast and well; the points scored in Austria show how steep and yet successful his learning curve was.
↓ ↓ ↓
誤訳は ご容赦を。
11:04 –
Motopark has retained Marino Sato
モトパークは 佐藤万璃音を残留させることにした
for the upcoming European Formula 3 campaign.
Japanese racer Sato, 18,
contested his rookie European F3 season with Motopark in 2017
, scoring his only point at the penultimate round of the season in Austria
そしてシーズン ラスト2戦のオースとリアで唯一のポイントを獲得し、
, leaving him 19th in the standings.
Prior to F3,
he spent two seasons in Italian F4
彼は イタリアF4で2シーズン過ごし、
, classifying 10th and 18th respectively.
そして それぞれ10位と18位にランキングされた。
"I'm glad to get another crack at F3 with Team Motopark,"
チーム モトパークと共に F3に更なる跡を付けられるのが 嬉しいです。
said Sato.
"I learnt a lot in 2017
僕は 2017年に 沢山の事を学び
feel much more ready for the championship now.
今は 選手権の為の準備が ずっとできているように感じます。
This is one of the key reasons why I opted for Team Motopark in the first place,
これが 理由の一つなんです なぜ僕がモトパークを第一に選んだかのね。
it has proved right ever since.
それは それ以来 正しく証明されています。
"I wanted to learn as much about Formula 3 as I could
僕は できるだけ沢山 F3について学びたかったんです
in my maiden year,and in Team Motopark,
(F3の)初年度に チーム モトパークでね。
I found the best possible teachers."
僕は見つけたんです 可能な限り最高の先生をね。
Motopark team boss Timo Rumpfkeil added:
モトパークのチームボス テイモ ランキールは付け加えた。
"2017 was a difficult year for Marino
2017年は 難しい年だったね 万璃音にとってはね。
– after all,
the decision to join F3 came very late,
F3に参戦する決定が とても遅かったんだよ
with the exception of Monza and Spielberg,
he hadn't known any of the tracks.
彼は 全てのコースを知らなかったんだ。
"We all knew it would be a tough year,
我々は皆 解っていたんだよ 厳しい年になるだろうってことをね
Marino learnt his lessons fast and well
万璃音は学んだよ 彼の課題を速く そして上手にね。
; the points scored in Austria show
オーストリアでのポイント獲得は 示しているよね
how steep and yet successful his learning curve was.
彼の学習曲線が どれだけ急で成功したか をね。
【 管理者 感想 】
F3初年度 かなり厳しい結果で 今年もユーロF3出来るのかな??って
心配だったけど 残留決まってよかったです!
日本メーカーの支援によるF3参戦ではなく 自身の実力のみで ここまで
這い上がってきた選手なので 何とか生き残ってF1まで辿りついてほしいです。