
F1 アロンソ    時は来ている!

Fernando Alonso has told McLaren Formula 1 fans that “good times are coming” after he drove the MCL33 for the first time at the Navarra circuit in Spain.


McLraen’s 2018 challenger was revealed online early on Friday before it took to the track for a shakedown using one of its two allocated filming days.

Alonso was the first to drive the car and was positive about the future running Renault power after three difficult and frustrating years with Honda. 

“Good times are coming, that’s the message,” said Alonso when asked to give a message to the fans. “We struggled, we kept the motivation very high and the team is stronger now than three years ago. 

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. The last few years makes a very united team, a very strong team and we will see the first results this year.”

After his initial run in the car, which was at relatively low-speed and with camera trucks on track, Alonso said it “felt great.”


↓          ↓          ↓

誤訳は ご容赦を。



Fernando Alonso   has told McLaren Formula 1 fans

フェルナンド アロンソは  マクラーレンF1のファンに(that以下の事を)語った

                              that “good times are coming”

                                 (良い)時は 来ている                 

      after he drove the MCL33 for the first time at the Navarra circuit in Spain.

         スペインのナバラ サーキットで 彼がMCL32を初めてドライブした後の事だ



Mclaren's 2018 challenger   was revealed online early on Friday 

マクラーレンの2018年の新車は 金曜の早い時間にオンラインで公開された

       before it took to the track for a shakedown

                  using one of its two allocated filming days.







Alonso   was the first to drive the car

アロンソは  このマシンをドライブするのは初めてだった



       was positive  about the future running Renault power

       今後 ルノーパワーを走らせることに ポジティブであった

                                          after three difficult and frustrating years with Honda. 






“Good times are coming, that’s the message,”    

良い時が    来てるよ  それがメッセージだよ   

                           said Alonso  when asked to give a message to the fans. 

                         とアロンソは ファンへメッセージを と尋ねられた時に 語った。



“We    struggled,

僕たちは 苦悩していたんだ

 we kept the motivation very high

僕たちは モチベーションを とても高く維持し続けて



 the team is stronger now      than three years ago. 

チームは 今 より強くなっているんだ 3年前よりもね。

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. 

逆境は            人を強くするんだ。




The last few years  makes a very united team,a very strong team

過去数年間では    とても統一されたチームで 非常に強いチームが作らてるんだ



we    will see the first results this year.”

僕たちは 今年初めて結果を見ることになるよ




After his initial run in the car

彼の このマシンでの 最初の走行の後

 ,which was at relatively low-speed  and with camera trucks on track,

 (それは比較的ゆっくりのスピードで    コース上のカメラと一緒だったのだが) 

Alonso said it          “felt great.”

アロンソは そのことを語った  ”素晴らしい感じだった”


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