
F1 カルロス・サインツ コラム  



Suzuka is one of Formula 1’s historic tracks – and one of my personal favourites. The Japanese fans are among the most passionate in the world and deliver a sensational atmosphere. Thanks to everyone who gave me amazing gifts over the weekend.

With Saturday’s running cancelled, Friday night was more relaxed than usual. Normally you go to bed very early and try to focus on qualifying. But as we didn’t have to go in on Saturday, we went bowling that night. As you can see from the video, in our costumes, Pin Norris and Mario Sainz had some good fun! 

I love how good the food is in Japan. I went for Sushi on Wednesday with our engineers. Thanks to Hiroshi, our chief engineer, we went to this very special and authentic restaurant where we ate the best sushi I have ever eaten. 

There were some interesting pieces, like guts of fish. It was not as bad as I thought, but it had a very strong flavour of sea salt. It was a very weird taste, which was nice, but a bit overpowering! 

On Sunday night we went to Matoba, one of my favourite restaurants ever, with Lando and his team and my team. We go to visit this place every year. They do an incredible Japanese and Korean beef with a special sauce on the grill. We always have fun trying to speak Japanese with them. It’s such a fun experience and they are super friendly. Food in Japan is the best of the season!

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Suzuka  is one of Formula 1’s historic tracks

鈴鹿は    F1での歴史のあるコースの一つなんだ

– and


 one of my personal favourites.


           ** historic tracks ;鈴鹿サーキットでのF1初開催は1987年

The Japanese fans  are among the most passionate in the world

日本のファンは       世界中で最も情熱的だし



              deliver a sensational atmosphere.


Thanks  to everyone

       who gave me amazing gifts over the weekend.

ありがとう  週末を通して素晴らしいサポートを僕に与えてくれた みんな!

With Saturday’s running cancelled,

   土曜の走行は   キャンセルされたので

Friday night  was more relaxed   than usual.

金曜の夜は     リラックスしたよ   普段の(金曜)よりもね



     **Saturday’s running cancelled;台風の接近により土曜の予選は日曜へ順延





you  go to bed very early

   ベットへ とても早く行って



   try to focus on qualifying.




        **qualifying :予選は通常土曜に開催




as we didn’t have to go in on Saturday,


we went bowling       that night.

僕達はボーリングに行ったんだ 金曜の夜にね。



As you can see from the video,


in our costumes,


Pin Norris             and  Mario Sainz     had some good fun! 

(ボーリングの)ピンに雰したランド と マリオに雰した僕は  楽しい時間を過ごせたよ!



     **Norris; ランド・ノリス  サインツのチームメイト




I love how good the food is in Japan.

僕は 日本の食べ物の素晴らしい所が好きなんだ。


I went for Sushi       on Wednesday  with our engineers.

寿司(を食べに)行ったんだ 水曜日に     僕達のエンジニアとね。


Thanks to Hiroshi, our chief engineer,

ヒロシのおかげで  (彼は僕達のチーフエンジニアなんだけどね)

we went to this very special and authentic restaurant

僕達は 特別で老舗の お店に行ったたんだ

           where we ate the best sushi I have ever eaten. 

       そして そこで僕が今までに食べた事がある中で最高の店で、僕達は食べたんだよ。




There were some interesting pieces         , like guts of fish.

そこには  いくつか興味深い種類の寿司があったんだ  魚の内臓のようなね。


It was not as bad as I thought,

それは 悪くなかったよ 僕が思ってたほどにはね



it had a very strong flavour of sea salt.

それは とてもショッパイ塩の風味だったよ。


It was a very weird taste, which was nice, but a bit overpowering! 

とても奇妙な味だったけど、ナイスだったよ 、でも ちょっと強烈だったかも!



On Sunday night


we went to Matoba    ,one of my favourite restaurants ever,

僕達は まと場に行ったんだ  (僕に今までのお気に入りのレストランの一つなんだけどね)

            with Lando and his team and my team.




We go to visit this place every year.

僕達は 毎年 この店を訪れているんだ。


They do an incredible Japanese and Korean beef

この店は  信じられないほどの日本と韓国の牛肉を食べさせてくれるんだ

                        with a special sauce on the grill.




We always have fun  trying to speak Japanese with them.

いつも楽しいんだ    彼らと日本語を話そうとトライする事がね。


It’s such a fun experience




they are super friendly.

彼らは 超フレンドリーだしね!



Food in Japan  is the best of the season!

日本の食べ物は  シーズンのなかで最高なんだ!




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