
Fun to climb

コロナ第3波が来る前に 房総へドライブ&クライム(鋸山)してきました。



東京湾越の三浦半島も すぐ近くに見え、手漕ぎボートでも渡れそうな気が・・

 I went to Mt-Nokogiriyama(Kyonan city Chiba prefecture Japan)

It was  very sunny on this day, so I could see  Mt-Fuji beyond Tokyo Bay from summit.

🔶           🔶

The people was mining   for architectural stone from the 19th century to the 1980s from this moutain ,so that because  you can see the saface of this mountain like a saw,this mountain was named saw-mountain(nokogiri-yama ).


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