The following one
be on the field ミ
F1 アルファタウリ代表 角田へ賛辞
F1デビュー戦で9位入賞した角田選手への チーム代表フランツ・トストの
"Yuki had his first race in F1 and I must say he really did a fantastic job. We told him his aim was to come back from the first lap with a healthy car to be able to run his race, and that’s exactly what he achieved. He showed a lot of good overtaking maneuverers – I believe he was the car that completed the most overtakes – and his lap times were also very competitive, with the medium tyre as well as with the hard compound. He deserved ninth position and it was really nice to see how he fought against Kimi, Lance and others - I think we can look forward to the season ahead with him.
↓ ↓
誤訳は ご容赦を。
"Yuki had his first race in F1
裕毅H F1での最初のレースを やってのけたね
I must say he really did a fantastic job.
こう言わないとね 彼は本当に素晴らしい仕事をした ってね。
We told him his aim was to come back from the first lap
我々は彼に言ったんだ お前の目標は 1周目を終え戻ってくる事だ ってね
with a healthy car to be able to run his race,
that’s exactly what he achieved.
間違いないね 彼は(目標を)達成したの事 はね。
He showed a lot of good overtaking maneuverers
彼は見せてくれたよ 沢山の追い越しを だよ。
– I believe he was the car that completed the most overtakes –
(私は確信してるよ 彼が、最も追い抜きをしたマシンだ って事をね。
his lap times were also very competitive,
彼のラップタイムも とても競争力があったよ。
with the medium tyre as well as with the hard compound.
He deserved ninth position
彼は 9位に値するよ
it was really nice to see how he fought against Kimi, Lance and others
本当に素晴らしかったよ キミやランスや他のライバルと戦ってるのを見るのはね
- I think we can look forward to the season ahead with him.
私は、思うんだ 我々は、シーズンを楽しめるってね 彼と共にね
【 ブログ筆者 感想 】
トスト代表 角田をベタ褒め!
タイトル経験者のライコネンやベッテルとバトルしながらの9位入賞 すばらしい!
バトルも なんか安心して見れた!バトっても ぶつからない感じがしたよ!
9位入賞では 角田選手は満足してないかも だけど
気持ち的には 次戦から少し楽になるのでは と思います。