
F1 ハンガリーGP決勝 サインツ コメント

Carlos Sainz, 4th

"Today was a tough day for the whole team. We expected to have a strong pace for the race, but it’s clear that with these lower temperatures and track conditions we were simply not fast enough to fight.

"There are some things to look at and learn from today. We will regroup, analyse and come back stronger after the summer break."

🔶        🔶

誤訳は ご容赦を。


Carlos Sainz, 4th

カルロス・サインツ (決勝)4位


"Today  was a tough day    for the whole team.

今日は、  厳しい一日だったよ チーム全体にとってはね。


We    expected    to have a strong pace for the race,

僕達は、期待してたんだ  力強いペースをね   決勝でだよ



it’s clear  that  with these lower temperatures and track conditions

明らかだね   このような低い気温と コースコンディションでは 

          we were simply not fast enough to fight.




"There are some things  to look at and learn   from today.

いくつか有るんだ     顧みて,学ぶべき物がね 今日の(レース)から。


We will    regroup,

僕達は、 一団となって、





     come back stronger   after the summer break."

   より強くなって戻ってくるよ 夏休みの後にね!

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