ブラジル国営石油会社 日本の製油会社買収へ エクソン系南西石油 アジア供給拠点に
A state-run petroleum firm in Brazil, Petrobras, will likely buy a Japanese petroleum-product-producing company, Nansei Sekiyu, affiliated with Exxon in the U.S. in order to make a hub for supplying petroleum products in Asian areas.
対北朝鮮 金融制裁、月内に発動 19日にも政府決定 送金停止など
The government has decided to exercise the financial sanctions against North Korea, including the ban of remitting money to North Korea, within the month. The deal will be decided on September 19.
銀行融資 首都圏での増加鮮明 7月末残高 東京5.5%増 不動産向けが活発
Loans from banks have been increasing markedly in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Looking into the balance as of the end of June this year, it has increased 5.5% from a year eralier in Tokyo. Loan for real estate businesses is especially conspicuous.
東芝と三菱電 1-1.5円増配 9月中間
Toshiba and Mitsubishi have decided to increase their devidends for their first half of this buseiness year, by 1 yen -1.5 yen per a share ,after their interim account settlement.
A state-run petroleum firm in Brazil, Petrobras, will likely buy a Japanese petroleum-product-producing company, Nansei Sekiyu, affiliated with Exxon in the U.S. in order to make a hub for supplying petroleum products in Asian areas.
対北朝鮮 金融制裁、月内に発動 19日にも政府決定 送金停止など
The government has decided to exercise the financial sanctions against North Korea, including the ban of remitting money to North Korea, within the month. The deal will be decided on September 19.
銀行融資 首都圏での増加鮮明 7月末残高 東京5.5%増 不動産向けが活発
Loans from banks have been increasing markedly in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Looking into the balance as of the end of June this year, it has increased 5.5% from a year eralier in Tokyo. Loan for real estate businesses is especially conspicuous.
東芝と三菱電 1-1.5円増配 9月中間
Toshiba and Mitsubishi have decided to increase their devidends for their first half of this buseiness year, by 1 yen -1.5 yen per a share ,after their interim account settlement.