from today's Nikkei

2006年09月15日 11時16分27秒 | 新聞記事から
ブラジル国営石油会社 日本の製油会社買収へ エクソン系南西石油 アジア供給拠点に
A state-run petroleum firm in Brazil, Petrobras, will likely buy a Japanese petroleum-product-producing company, Nansei Sekiyu, affiliated with Exxon in the U.S. in order to make a hub for supplying petroleum products in Asian areas.

対北朝鮮 金融制裁、月内に発動 19日にも政府決定 送金停止など
The government has decided to exercise the financial sanctions against North Korea, including the ban of remitting money to North Korea, within the month. The deal will be decided on September 19.

銀行融資 首都圏での増加鮮明 7月末残高 東京5.5%増 不動産向けが活発
Loans from banks have been increasing markedly in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Looking into the balance as of the end of June this year, it has increased 5.5% from a year eralier in Tokyo. Loan for real estate businesses is especially conspicuous.

東芝と三菱電 1-1.5円増配 9月中間
Toshiba and Mitsubishi have decided to increase their devidends for their first half of this buseiness year, by 1 yen -1.5 yen per a share ,after their interim account settlement.
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right to collective self-defense( 集団的自衛権)について

2006年09月14日 17時08分00秒 | 単語、用語法等
集団的自衛権を英語表現するとき、よく新聞では、right to collective
self-defense と表現します。私は、right to collectively self-defense の間違いではないかとよく思ったものです。つまりtoはto不定詞を導くtoとまず思ったわけです。self-defenseは動詞だと思った。googleには確かに数多くのright to collective self-defense の用例がありました。同時に,right of colective self-defense もありました。けれどもtoを使った表現のほうが多かった。 of をつかった用例は納得がいくのですが、toを使ったのがなかなか合点がいかない。気持ちがよくない。で、The Daily Yomiuri に照会しました。で、教えていただ結果は以下の通り:
似たような表現に、the right to free speech (表現の自由の権利)とかthe right to existence(生存権)がある。
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from an editorial of a newspaper

2006年09月14日 11時35分32秒 | 新聞記事から
読売新聞9.14の社説から、明日 The Daily Yomiuriによる訳文を追加します。
(残念ながら、The Daily Yomiuriによる英訳がありません。読売新聞の社説は毎日2編載ります。その内最初の1編が英訳されて翌日のThe Daily Yomiuriに英訳分が掲載されるのに、今日は2編目の社説が英訳されている。)

Consumer credit:Is it permitted to make a contract with human lives used as collateral?

The current procedures which consumer credit companies take in lending money to consumers ammount to using people's lives as collateral.

Most of consumer credit companies, on lending money to its customers, basically make all the borrowers enter the consumer credit group life insurance. This practice is a problem.

Under the insurance contract, the consumer credit company pays the premium,and receives the insurance ,which is corresponding to the sum of the money borrowed, up to 3 miilion yen,when customer borrowing money dies.

We have to present a doubt wheteher this kind of insurance system can get undersatnding of the public. We think that the Financial Services Agency should investigate the reality and take a necessary action.
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from today's Nikkei

2006年09月14日 10時12分42秒 | 新聞記事から
固定電話の全国網維持費 全利用者が一律負担 過疎地の赤字補てん 携帯にも転嫁へ
NTT KDDI 来年から月7円 
Concerning the fixed-telephone service,major domestic telecommunication companies such as NTT and KDDI have started deliberating on how the cost of providing the depopulated areas with the same telecommunication service as that in the urban areas should be burdened.In order to provide the same-level fixed-telephone service evenly across the country, they say, the deficits will occur in their business operations in the depopulated areas. Therefore ,they say that the cost should be shouldered evenly by all the country's telecommunication users including mobile phone subscribers. The companies want to charge seven yen monthly to all these users from next January.

in a figure,
Scheme of Subsidy for Universal Service

of a comment,
Providing nationwide-even service is getting more and more difficult.

ダイエー 負債2000億円圧縮 OMC・マルエツ株 一部売却を検討
Daiei has decided to reduce its current debts by 200 billion yen from current 350 billion yen. In order to do this, it is now deliberating on selling off some of its shres of OMC and Maruets.

日韓FTA「来年に交渉再開」 韓国副首相が意欲表明
South Korean deputy prime minister expressed his wish to resume talks on the Free Trade Agreement between South Korea and Japan now stalled.

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from other articles

2006年09月13日 11時20分14秒 | 新聞記事から
Inteligence-gathering satellite :
The puropse of putting the satellite in the orbit is mainly for surveillance of the North Korea's nuclear weapons development and the move of launching missiles from there.From the viewpoint of ensuring the security, it is natural to improve the quality of the satellite.
(The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency recently launched an intelligence-gathering satellite to enable it to monitor North Korea's nuclear weapons program and maintain a watch for any indication of further missile launches by the reclusive state. Japan has every justification in improving the capability of its intelligence-gathering satellites to bolster national security.)

The information-gathering satellite ,which is the third in Japan, was launched by the domestic 10th H2-A rocket.
(On monday,the H2-A rocket No.10 was launched,inserting the nation's third spy satellite into orbit.)

This is the second optical satellite which is able to photo the earth's ground by the high-quality camera. But it is not able to take photos in the night or in a cloudy daytime.Radar satellite ,which observes the earth's ground by radio, is still only one in operation.
(Japan currently has two optical satellites-including the latest one-that are capable of photographing the Earth with high-resolution cameras.However,these satelites cannot photograph the Earth at night or when it is cloudy.In addition,Japan has only one radar satellite,which uses radio signals,to keep en eye on the world.)

注:カッコ内の英文はThe Daily Yomiuriによる訳文

日野自、スカニアと提携 世界販売 トラックを相互供給
Hino , a major domestic truck manufacturerer,affiliated with Toyota will nake an alliance witt Scania,a major truck maker in Sweden for the purpose of enhancing their sales of trucks in the world market. Concretely, they will supply their products to each other.

米貿易赤字680億ドル 7月最高に
U.S. trade deficit has become $ 68 billion,which is the highest ever.

民社代表選 小沢氏が無投票再選 菅・鳩山氏 執行部残留へ「格差是正」対立軸に
Ichiro Ozawa was reelected Democratic Party of Japan president with no votes. Naoto kan and Yukio Hatoyama are believed to remain in the party's leadership.The Ozawa's party intends to make the issue of correction of social gap between people the theme of debate with ruling parties.
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