The orthodox civilization is the festival politics of Japan


The chain reaction of negative Ⅰ

2015-11-21 04:46:59 | 世界経済

" I do suppose that the aerial bombing in Syria is so terrible that many people fell victim to it , and the woman of suicide bombing attack lost her children on war and disapointed to live more . "

Five years ago , I watched one foreigner sitting at the coffee shop besides Torii of Meiji Jinguu .
Going to there , I could meet him , then he might come everyday .
I supposed him coming from Middle East .
He said nothing , he kept silence , I did't hear only one word .
Having an air of depression , a noisy sparrow didn't want to go near him .

I thought that his family were killed by war .
And one of terrolist on Paris said before self bombing ,
" My family died in Syria ."

I was taken in his last saying .

         負の連鎖 上
 「シリアの空爆では 多くの民間人が犠牲になっている、そして、あの自爆テロの婦人は、戦争で我が子を無くし、生きる希望が無くしてしまったのではあるまいか」


 「私の家族は シリアで死んだ」
