➁強力粉200g・薄力粉50g・砂糖20g・塩小さじ1/2・ドライイースト5g・水150ml・オリーブオイル20g・強力粉 (打ち粉)適量ピザソース60gを合わせ練る。まとまってきたら塩小匙1/2を入れて捏ねりひとまとめにする。打ち粉をした台に移し、滑らかになるまでさらに捏ねる。
Easy pizza.
Please enjoy various arrangements with your favorite ingredients.
①Cut 9 sausages into appropriate sizes, 2 peppers, and 90 g of pizza cheese cut into 5mm widths and mix.
➁200g strong flour, 50g light flour, 20g sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 5g dry yeast ・150ml of water, 20g of olive oil, strong flour (flour) Combine and knead 60g of appropriate amount pizza sauce. When it is combined, add 1/2 of a small spoonful of salt and knead it all together. Transfer to the ground table and knead further until smooth.
③Divide the dough of ➁ into three equal parts, wrap it in plastic wrap, and ferment at room temperature for about 15 minutes.
➃Stretch the dough of ③, apply the pizza sauce, and put 1on.
⑤bake in a 250°C oven for about 10 minutes to complete.