

おばさんの料理教室 桜エビとキュウリの炒め

2022年06月21日 | 日記


サクラエビとキュウリのシンプルな炒め物、野菜はパブリカ・ ピーマンブロッコリーなど何でも自由に。



①フライパンにごま油大匙1を 桜エビ5g・ニンニク1片みじん切りを入れて中火で熱し、ニンニクの香りが立ったらキュウリ100g細切りを入れて3分程炒める。


ナンプラーとは タイの代表的な調味料でカタクチイワシを塩に漬け込んで発酵熟成させた魚醤。料理に使うと旨味とコクが増します。

Stir-fried cherry shrimp and cucumbers

Simple stir-fried shrimp and cucumbers, vegetables such as Publica pepper broccoli and anything is free.


  • people ago

In a frying pan 1 tablespoon of sesame oil  5 g of cherry shrimp and 1 piece of garlic put chopped and heat over medium heat, and when the smell of garlic rises, add 100 g of cucumber shredded and fry for about 3 minutes.

When the cucumbers are crisp,  add 1 tablespoon of Nampula (or bean plate sauce), 1/2 teaspoon sugar, two pinches of coarsely ground black pepper and fry over medium heat, When the taste is familiar to the whole, remove from the heat, serve in a bowl, and serve with lemon and voila.

Nampula is a fish sauce made by fermenting and aging sardines in salt with a typical Thai seasoning. When used in cooking, the umami and richness increase.


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