

おばさんの料理教室 キクイモの葉っぱの白和え

2022年06月01日 | 日記











  Whitewash of chrysanthemum leaves

There are a lot of chrysanthemum leaves at this time of year, and you can enjoy various dishes. Sometimes it's on the shelves of supermarkets. The leaves are rich in nutrients because deer like to eat them.

that the flowers of the chrysanthemum are very similar to chrysanthemum flowers and have such a name?

The leaves also contain inulin and seem to be good for the body. Chrysanthemum potatoes suppress the rise in blood pressure, prepare the internal environment, and suppress the rise in blood sugar level after eating.  The amount of water-soluble dietary fiber is at the top, and it is a water-soluble dietary fiber that relieves constipation and has the property of changing to a gel shape when it contains water, so it absorbs excess dirt in the intestine cleanly.


①  Boil the chrysanthemum potatoes and cut them into small pieces.

②  Cut the carrots into small pieces and heat them in the microwave.

③  Crush the tofu, mix and with 1 small spoonful of miso, 1 tablespoon of sugar.

* Miso may be purple miso or pumpkin leaf miso.



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