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F1 アルファタウリ代表 角田を語る
“First of all, Yuki was not as bad in physical condition as he thinks,” said Tost, speaking over the Australian Grand Prix weekend. “Every driver thinks that he is not fit enough and then of course he has to increase his physical training. And it's also difficult to do physical training for a Formula 1 driver. The best training is always driving the car.
“Yuki, he may have underestimated some training sessions which he should have done [in 2021], but he did it and then he improved a lot,” continued Tost. “He took it seriously, he was training twice a day, he had a lot of lessons with the engineers to learn also the technical side.
🔶 🔶
誤訳は ご容赦を。
“First of all,
Yuki was not as bad in physical condition as he thinks,”
裕毅は 体力的には悪くなかったよ 彼が思ってるほどにはね
said Tost, speaking over the Australian Grand Prix weekend.
“Every driver thinks that he is not fit enough
ドライバーは皆 思ううんだよ 体力が十分じゃない とね
and thenof course
he has to increase his physical training.
増やす必要が有るよ 体力トーレニンぐをね
it's also difficult to do physical training for a Formula 1 driver.
難しくもあるんだ 体力トレー二ングをすることはね F1」ドライバーにとって。
The best training is always driving the car.
一番のトレーニングは いつも マシンをドライブする事なんだよ。
“Yuki, he may have underestimated
裕毅は 重視してなかったのかもしれないね
some training sessions which he should have done [in 2021],
he did it
裕毅は それをやって
and then
he improved a lot,”
改善したんだ 大きくね
continued Tost. “
**[in 2021] ;角田裕毅は、2021年にF1デビュー
He took it seriously,
he was training twice a day,
トレーニングしたんだ 一日に2回ね
he had a lot of lessons with the engineers
レッスンも沢山受けてたね エンジニアと共にね
to learn also the technical side.