tetujin's blog


deliver their wishes to the heavens

2011-02-25 23:09:36 | プチ放浪 山道編


I come back to my place without any accidents.
So, this is a signal of a lantern to notify a Japanese was safe to return home....smile
Now, I'd like to see you again soon, although, I met you...
Taipei was an amazing city where recalls with nostalgia of the lost days of Japan.
In my boyhood, there are lots of kind people around me those who like Taiwanese. Their service and people's attitude were good.
Taiwan people are not snobbish when some one asks for help, they will mostly help othes all the way.

...It was my first time to be offered the priority seat in the train. Another peopele offered me two times in two days. Beside she and he seem to be same at my age. I was so shocked with my oldish look, but this place is so cool with good people all around.

Of corse, all the good memories in Taipei are mostly due to your kind hospitalities. I appriciate you again. And please contact me when you will come to Japan.
I wish for dreams come true, and good health for everyone in your family.



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