from today's Nikkei

2006年09月22日 10時35分11秒 | 新聞記事から
海外投資保険料 初の下げ 日本貿易保険 資源開発向け5割 一般案件は3割
Overseas investment insurance premiums will be lowered for the first time by Japan Trade Insurance,which is a independent administrative organization under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry.As to the insurance for the resources exploitation overseas, the premium will be reduced by 50 percent.And on the other general developmentand exploitation cases,reduction will be 30 percent.

in a figure, Overseas Trade Investment Scheme

「プリウス」5割増産 トヨタ、国内年30万台に
Toyota's Prius will be enhanced in its production by 50 percent. According to the announcement by the company, its domestic production will become the annual 300,000 level in around 2007.

カード3社 システム統合 セゾン、UC、オリコ 開発費を削減 20010年メド
Three credit card companies of CrediSeson, UC Card,and Orient Corporation will integrate their each system into one by around 2010 in order to curb their system development costs.

規制改革会議 宮内議長が退任 民間の4議員 諮問会議一新 後任に御手洗氏有力
Chairmnan of Orix Corporation Yoshihiko Miyauchi will resign the chairman of the government's reform promotion committee.He also resign the chairman of the Council of Ecomomic and Financial Policy. The members all will be renewed and therefore the four members from the private sectors also will step down.Hujio Mitarai,chairman of Cannon ,and president of Keidannren( the Federation of Economic Organizations),is expected to succeed to Miyauchi.

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from an editorial of Yomiuri

2006年09月21日 12時29分49秒 | 新聞記事から
The Daily Yomiuriの英訳は9.22日に掲載します。
Shinzo Abe, the new LDP presedent:Whether "landslide victory" is took advantage of in managing his administration or not?
(New LDP president will need strong team)

With votes far surpassing the half of the total, Shinzo Abe,Chief Cabinet Secretary, was elected the new LDP president.
(Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe was elected president of the Liberal Democratic Party on Wednesday by an overwhelming majority.)

Through the votes for the new prime minister in an extraordinary Diet covened on September 26, he will elected the first prime minister among those who were born after World War Ⅱ.
(Abe is expected to be elected prime minister at an extraordinary Diet session to be convened Tuesday. He will become the first prime minister born after the end of World War Ⅱ.)

Abe's votes were 464,marking a big margin from Aso's 136 votes,and Tanigaki's 102 votes. The ratio of 66% ,the ration of the votes for him to the total, is more than the 62% which Junichiro Koizumi garnered at his first election for the president. At first glance, the foundation of his administration seems to be firm.
(Abe garnerede 464 votes,far exceeding the 136 votes gleaned by Foreign Minister Taro Aso and the 102 votes cast for Finance Minister Sadakazu Tanigaki.
Abe's share of the ballots was 66 percent, compared to the 62 percent awarded to Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi when he was elected party head for the first time in 2001.
This indicates Abe has a firm foundatiuon from which to run the ciuntry.)

But, both Aso and Tanigaki,have gotten rather many votes of more than 100 ,which are better than initially expected. We think that the sense of balance,which is going to put the brake on anticipated Abe's overwhelming victory, might have worked.
(However, both Aso and Tanigaki surpassed the 100-vote mark,and they fought a better election than expected.It appears that some members of the party decided to put the brakes on a runaway Abe victory.)

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from today's Nikkei

2006年09月21日 08時08分50秒 | 新聞記事から
自民新総裁に安倍氏 圧勝、6割越す464票 26日に首相指名 成長重視で改革
初の戦後生まれ 党3役 中川秀・麻生氏ら浮上
解説で、新総裁を待つ3つの関門 所信表明と補選 改革占う予算

On Wednesday, Shinzo Abe was elected the new Liberal Democratic Party president,with a landsliding victory,or 464 votes exceeding 60% of the total garnered.Abe wil be nominated the prime minister on the 26th,and will be the first prime minister who was born after World War Ⅱ.He will push forward with reforms with an emphasis put on the growth strategy. As to the party's top three executive posts, some lawmakers such as Hidenao Nakagawa and Taro Aso are referred to as candidates.

in a table, Vote counts
in a comment, Three Challenges Waiting For The New President Delivering the policy speech and by-elections Next fiscal years's budget telling his reforms

タイ クーデタ 暫定首相、2週間以内に 総選挙、1年以内に実施
In Thailand, a coup took place ,and within two weeks the provisional premier will be nominated.And a general election will be held within a year.

自動車用鋼板 JEF、中国に新工場 500億円超投資 2009年メド稼動 中国の規制受け 高炉建設は断念

JEF(IEF Steel Corporation) will build a new plant in China in oreder to produce the automobile-use steels. With more than 50 billion yen invested,the company intends to begin its operation around 2009. Against the background, due to the Chines authority's regulations, the company had to give up its initial plan to build a blast furnace there.

トヨタ 単独営業利益8割増 9月中間見通し 2008年 世界販売980万台
Toyota announced its business result for the first half of this business year through the end of September,2006,and showed that its single operating profit will increase by about 80%.Also,as to the group's worldwide sales in 2008,it is expected to be the 9.8 million level.

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from an editorial of Yomiuri

2006年09月20日 10時51分28秒 | 新聞記事から
括弧内はThe Daily Yomiuri(9.21) による英訳。
Financial Sanctions against North Korea:After all,there is no way but to heighten the pressure to Pyongyang.
(More options needed to pressure N.Korea)

North Korea has defied returning to the 6-party talks on nuclear weapon development sespect,and also, has refused freezing to launch missiles.Considering these development, we think Japan has to strenghthen its pressure to Pyongyang.
(North Korea Has been steadfastly refusing to return to the six-way talks on its nuclear development program and has not shown any intention of agreeing to a moratorium on its missile launches.In light of this,there was no option but to increase pressure on the country.)

The government exercised the financial sanctions against North Korea. This means that the government prevents 15 groups,including trade-related firms in North Korea,and an individual, from withdrawing money from the accounts in banks in Japan and remitting money overseas from the accouts.
(The government imposed financial sanctions against North Korea on Tuesday.The sanctions effectively ban 15 North Korea-related organizations and trading firms as well as one individual from remitting funds overseas.The sanctions also prevent them from withdrawing funds from financial institutions in Japan.)

IMFreform: the situation where too much dependence is palced on The U.S. and European countries should be revised.

A small step was taken for remodeling the too much dependence towords The U.S. and European countries. But this is not yet sufficient.

In a IMF's annual meeting held in Singapore, raising each share to the IMF capital,of four countries,of China, South Korea, Mexico,and Turky, was decided.
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from today's Nikkei

2006年09月20日 10時04分55秒 | 新聞記事から
半導体最先端材料 信越化学、2工場新設 1200億円投資 世界首位守る
Shin-Etsu Chemical Co.,ltd. will build two new plants in order to increase its production of cutting-edge semiconductor materials, with 120 billion yen invested. This is because it intends to keep its top status in this field in the world market.

北朝鮮に金融制裁発動 15団体・1個人 預金・送金を凍結 政府
New sanctions was imposed on North Korea. The government freezed the deposits of 15 organizations and an individual and their remittances.

タイでクーデター 反首相派「実験を掌握」 首相、非常事態を宣言
In Thailand, a coup d'etat took place. The anti-premier group seems to take hold of the rein of the country.But the details are not clear.Meanwhile , the prime minister,who was away the country in New York attending the UN General Assembly ,declared the state of emergency.

自民総裁選 きょう開票 安倍氏 選出へ
Today, the votes are counted in the Liberal Democratic Party president election. And,Shinzo Abe is expected to be the new president.
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