As You Honor Your Mother,
You'll never forget your mother's face, the gentleness of her touch.., they let you know you were loved.
You'll never forget the stories she told, the traditins she handed down..., they let you know who you are.
You'll never forget the lessons she taught, the things she stood for..., they are her gift and your legacy.
You'll never forget, and you'll always know that you honor her every day in how you live and who you are.
With Sympathy,
筆者は葬儀のため日本にとんぼ返りし、日本文化の講座のクラスに間に合って戻ってきた。教室に入ったら、筆者が遅れたときのため、念のために、とAdvanced Japaneseのクラスのうちの4人が代理教授をするため教室に来てくれていた。そして渡してくれたのが上記のカード。美しいいカードに同情溢れる日本語の寄せ書きがしてあった。