
F1 角田 経歴を振り返る

HONDA F1リーダーの山本雅士氏による 角田選手のF4時代についてのコメントです



Masashi Yamamoto, Honda F1 boss:

 “Red Bull included Yuki in their test in Hungary. I remember they were running Dan Ticktum that day. Yuki was there representing Honda. I was very impressed at how quickly he got up to speed. It was clear his talent came very naturally to him. After three days of testing, he had the top time. Speaking to Helmut, he was very impressed, too. We chatted and agreed that F3 was the best place for him, as it was the quickest route to prepare him for F1.”

🔶            🔶

Masashi Yamamoto, Honda F1 boss: 

山本雅士 HONDA F1プロジェクトリーーダー


“Red Bull    included     Yuki in   their test  in Hungary.

レッドブルは 入れたんですよ 裕毅をね 彼らのテストに ハンガリーでのね。


I remember   they were running Dan Ticktum     that day.

覚えてますよ、レッドブルはティクトゥムを走らせてたのは その日にね

Yuki was there         representing Honda.

裕毅は、そこに居たんですよ HONDA(育成ドライバー)を代表してね。



    ** Dan Ticktum ;ダニエル・ティクトゥム



I was very impressed  at how quickly he got up to speed.

印象的でしたよ    (裕毅が)素早く速さをみせた事がね

It was clear    his talent came very naturally to him.

明らかでしたね 才能が裕毅に自然に身についている事はね。



After three days of testing,


he had the top time.



Speaking to Helmut,


he was very impressed, too.

彼も とても感銘を受けたそうです。


      ** Helmut;ヘルムート;マルコ



We chatted




  agreed      that F 3 was the best place               for him

  意見が合いました  F3が最善の場所だって事をね 裕毅にとってのです。

                                         as it was the quickest route to prepare him for F1.”





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