
F1 ハンガリーGP決勝 サインツ コメント

Carlos Sainz, 8th

"We had a good start, making up five places on the first lap, and a very good first stint with the Softs, managing to stretch the tyre life. Unfortunately, with the Hard compound and longer stints to do, we struggled with rear degradation and didn’t have the pace of the front runners, which is our main weakness at the moment.

"We were expecting more at this track and we need to look into our main areas of improvement."


誤訳は ご容赦を。


Carlos Sainz, 8th

カルロス・サインツ 決勝8位



"We  had  a good start  , making up five places  on the first lap,

僕達は、    いいスタートして  5つ順位を上げたんだ    1周目にね



       a very good first stint       with the Softs

       とても良い最初のステイントになったよ ソフトタイヤでね

                , managing to stretch the tyre life.




    **first stint → スタートから1回目のタイヤ交換までの間





with the Hard compound  and  longer stints to do,

ハードタイヤで            長いステイントをこなしたので

we   struggled  with rear degradation

僕達は、苦しんだよ     後輪の消耗にね



            didn’t have the pace   of the front runners

    ペースを維持できなかったんだ 上位での(ペースをね)

        , which is our main weakness  at the moment.

        それが僕達の主な弱点なんだけどね   現在のね。




"We  were expecting more  at this track

僕達は、もっと期待してたんだ   このコースではね



we need to look into  our main areas of improvement."

調査する必要があるんだ  僕達の改善すべき部分をね!





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