tetujin's blog


Jamala - 1944

2022-05-22 22:48:38 | 人々

In 2016, Ukrainian female singer Jamala won the 61st "Concours Eurovision de Chanson, Eurovision Song Contest" in Stockholm.
The title of her song is "1944". It is filled with the ethnic feelings of the ethnic minority Crimean Tatars flowing through Jira's body.

The Tatars are a Turkic-Mongolian people who were active in a wide area from the Mongolian plateau to Lithuania in the Baltic region. In 1944, Stalin, under the pretext of cooperating with Nazi Germany, displaced as many as 200,000 Crimean Tatars to Central Asia or sent them to camps.

When strangers are coming...
They come to your house,
They kill you all
and say,
We’re not guilty
not guilty.
Where is your mind?
Humanity cries.
You think you are gods.
But everyone dies.
Don't swallow my soul.
Our souls
I did not enjoy my youth
I was not able to live in this place
I did not enjoy my youth
I was not able to live in this plac


Jamala - 1944 (Official Music Video)

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