「今日の小さなお気に入り」 - My favourite little things


人類が知る最も強力な天然抗ガン物質 2017・04・25

2017-04-25 08:45:00 | Weblog


    ” While tocotrienols appear to be powerful aids in preventing heart disease,

   they have gained more notice in the fight against cancer. Antioxidants have long been known to offer

   protection against various forms of cancer. Tocotrienols, being highly potent antioxidants, have

   demonstrated remarkable anticancer properties far superior to most other antioxidants, including their

   more common vitamin E cousins.

    Studies show tocotrienols inhibit the growth of skin, stomach, pancreas, liver, lung, colon, prostate,

    breast and other cancers. ”

                                      ( Bruce Fife )


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トコトリエノール 2017・04・24

2017-04-24 08:35:00 | Weblog


    ” In recent years there has been a wealth of exciting research on a relatively

   little known class of nutrients called tocotrienols. Tocotrienols are super-potent forms of vitamin E,

   possessing up to 60 times the antioxidant power of ordinary vitamin E. Their effects on health are

   far beyond that of regular vitamin E. Research shows that tocotrienols reduce high blood pressure,

   dissolve arterial plaque, extend lives of stroke and heart disease patients, possess powerful

   anticancer properties, and protect the brain from degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's

   and Parkinson's disease. ”

                                      ( Bruce Fife )

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人工甘味料は体に甘くない 2017・04・23

2017-04-23 09:30:00 | Weblog


    ” If real sugar wasn't bad enough, we can now 'enjoy' artificial sugar---

   aspartame, saccharin, and such. These man-made products have the sweetness of sugar yet fewer

   calories. Like sugar, these crystalline powders are addictive, but they are even more detrimental

   to health. Yes, they contain fewer calories than sugar, but like any drug, they have undesirable

   side effects that range from headaches to death. ”

                                      ( Bruce Fife )

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食べても食べても栄養失調 2017・04・22

2017-04-22 08:50:00 | Weblog


    ” Most of the foods we eat nowadays are nutrient deficient.

   Processing and refining remove and destroy many nutrients. Sugar, for example, has a total of zero

   vitamins and minerals but contains fattening calories. White flour , likewise, has been stripped of

   its vitamin- and mineral-rich bran and germ, leaving almost pure starch.

    When you eat products made with white flour, you are eating primarily sugar, which is essentially

   void of any nutritional value. White rice is the same; the vitamin-rich bran is removed, leaving

   the white starchy portion behind. Potatoes are almost all starch. The skins contain most of the

   nutrients, but how many people eat the skins with their potatoes? ”

                                      ( Bruce Fife )

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デンプンは砂糖である 2017・04・21

2017-04-21 09:25:00 | Weblog


    ” People who do not eat many sweets or use sugar may think they are immune to

   sugar's detrimental effects. Yet, if they eat white bread, white rice, white potatoes, and products

   made with white flour they are getting just as much sugar as anyone else and maybe even more. White

   bread can cause insulin resistance and diabetes, reduce resistance against cancer, and set the stage

   for Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. ”

                                      ( Bruce Fife )

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ガン細胞は砂糖を餌にする 2017・04・19

2017-04-19 09:00:00 | Weblog


    ” Because sugar depresses immune function, it increases risks of any

   type of infection, including oral infections which can spread to the brain, reduces the body's

   ability to neutralize and dispose of environmental toxins, and increase cancer.

   Cancer cells feed on sugar. The more sugar you give them, the better they grow. ”

   " Sugar comes in a variety of forms. Sucrose, commonly known as white table sugar,

   is the most common. Others include brown sugar, honey, corn syrup, maple syrup,

   sucanat( unrefined dehydrated sugarcane juice), molasses, date sugar, fruit juice

   concentrate, barley malt, agave nectar, and brown rice syrup. In addition to these

   sugars, you may find others included on ingredient labels such as dextrin, dextrose,

   fructose, high fructose corn syrup, glucose, and maltodextrin. So-called 'natural'

   sugars such as fruit juice concentrate or agave nectar are no better than refined

   sucrose. The end results are the same. Whether you eat table sugar, honey, or

   molasses makes little difference. Sugar by any other name is still sugar."

                                      ( Bruce Fife )

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2017-04-11 09:30:00 | Weblog



   " Follow your dream by all means, but don't lose your humility on the way. "

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PEOPLE DO DIE FROM DEMENTIA 人は認知症によって死ぬ 2017・04・05

2017-04-05 12:00:00 | Weblog


      ” Neurodegenerative disease is more accurately described as a progressive

   fatal disease leading to brain failure. Brain failure is a terminal disease, like cancer,

   that physically kills patients. When someone experiences heart failure or kidney failure,

   the end result is death. The brain is no different. The brain is our most vital organ:

   it controls the heart, the lungs, and all other organs. When it shuts down, so do other

   vital organs. Dementia is a symptom of a dying brain. People do die from dementia.

    The belief that people don't usually die from dementia has skewed death statistics

   leading to the underreporting of dementia as a cause of death.

                                      ( Bruce Fife


    We are well on the way to dementia.

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製薬会社による奴隷支配 2017・04・03

2017-04-03 09:15:00 | Weblog




   ” Keep in mind that doctors after graduation from medical school are, for the most part,

   educated by the pharmaceutical industry. The literature they receive and the seminars

   they go to are funded almost entirely by these companies. The information they are exposed

   to is naturally extremely biased, forcusing only on drug therapy. For this reason, most

   doctors know very little about nutrition and even less about current research involving

   MCFAs(medium-chain fatty acids). Most doctors will probably be completely ignorant of the

   research and developments regarding MCFAs for several years to come. They will continue

   advisig you to avoid all saturated fats, including coconuts oil, because they don't know

   any better. They may never have been heard of medium-chain fatty acids or know that there

   are many different types of saturated fat. Don't wait for them to catch up with you.

                                      ( Bruce Fife


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医者頼み 2017・04・02

2017-04-02 11:25:00 | Weblog

   4月2日は「世界自閉症啓発デー」(World Autism Awareness Day)だそう。


   ” Information on nutrition is not included in the curriculum of Western medical schools

   and consequently doctors have very little idea about the value of nutrition in the treatment

   of disease. Yet appropriate nutrition is a corner-stone of any successful treatment for

   any chronic disease.

   ” In the Western world there is a general tendency to delegate responsibility for our health

   to the medical profession. If you are ill you go to the doctor. When it comes to autism,

   after establishing the diagnosis, official medicine has virtually nothing to offer the child.

                ( Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, MMedSci(neurology), MMedSci(nutrition)



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