my way of translation (3) 7/17

2022年07月17日 08時28分09秒 | 翻訳・通訳
To young people (part 1)

I would like to emphasize this to young people. " You should rather start with loving a job given to you now than look for your favorite job." Seeking the job you love is just like searching for "a blue bird." It would be better for you to get to love the job before you instead of chasing after such an illusion.

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my way of translation (2) 7/17

2022年07月17日 08時22分12秒 | 翻訳・通訳
Unless you have mental preparation to stop to have a meeting, there would be a possibility that the situation has changed when a decision is made. (meeting)
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my way of translation 7/17

2022年07月17日 08時16分23秒 | 翻訳・通訳
Although you know it by your head, unless you are used to that by discipline, an appropriate behavior as a human will not come out. (training/discipline)
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