my way of translation (3) 7/11

2022年07月11日 08時16分40秒 | 翻訳・通訳
You life and your running a business is just like a solo(solitary) journey:

Your life is a journey alone as the Buddha of Gautama said. You are born alone and pass away alone, there is no one accompanying you.
When looking into a business deeply, we can recognize a person running a business should do it alone, by himself. Nevertheless, without walking on their feet, some always ask others " How should I do it?" With such an attitude, you can not live your life and run your business well.

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my way of translation (2) 7/11

2022年07月11日 08時15分18秒 | 翻訳・通訳
Enterprises are what should exist for the common benefits for the whole society. That concept spreads to many people, the right way of running businesses is also spread, and there would be less too much competition between companies than the present.
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my way of translation (2) 7/11

2022年07月11日 08時04分36秒 | 翻訳・通訳
Enterprises are what should exist for the common benefits for the whole society. That concept spreads to many people, the right way of running businesses is also spread, and there will be less too much competition between companies than the present.
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my way of translation 7/11

2022年07月11日 07時59分30秒 | 翻訳・通訳
Proceeding with things with a plan is important, but, sometimes, doing things with necessity is needed.
(the way you should proceed with things)
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