my way of translation (3) 7/8

2022年07月08日 07時28分31秒 | 翻訳・通訳
Your fate is not doomed one:

The importance is that the principle of cause and result is a bit stronger than your fate. It means your innate fate could be changed into a good one by thinking of a good thing and doing a good thing.
In other words, we humans are under control of each of our fate, but that fate could be changed by our own good thoughts and food deeds.

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my way of translation (2) 7/8

2022年07月08日 05時38分58秒 | 翻訳・通訳
Your products are your daughters, and your customers are where your daughters have married into. With that thought in mind, you should strengthen the relationship with your customers. (products)
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my way of translation 7/8

2022年07月08日 05時26分50秒 | 翻訳・通訳
If you would gladly listen to the words telling you about your shortcomings or defects, you would be a man of happiness, because there is unlimited progress and growth ahead of you. (to listen to others)
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