my way of translation (3) 7/20

2022年07月20日 07時42分11秒 | 翻訳・通訳
一歩一歩の努力  ②
A step-by-step effort (part 2)

Some might think, " A step by step would be too slow, and then, you could not realize any great thing in your life time." But, it's not the case. Every day, Step- by- step efforts of yours, if accumulated, would bring about a rippling effect around you. It means, your simple daily effort gives birth to a small result, and then brings about your further efforts and results, whose rippling effects would lead you to an incredible height.

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my way of translation (2) 7/20

2022年07月20日 07時30分28秒 | 翻訳・通訳

Profits come from how to purchase goods. Then, the company attaching importance on suppliers as well as customers would be successful in most cases. (suppliers)
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my way of translation 7/20

2022年07月20日 07時04分36秒 | 翻訳・通訳
A man under no leader would be happy in a sense, because nothing they have would sometimes be a great power.
(A man with no leader)
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