りんごとバナナの自然な甘味が豊かなジュース。 ミキサーにかけるだけで簡単に出来る。
①りんご80gは、皮を剥いて芯を取り除き、一口大に切る。 バナナ80gは3等分に切る。
②ミキサーに①・牛乳100mℓ・氷50g・ はちみつ大匙1・レモン汁小匙1を入れ撹拌。
Banana Juice
Juice rich in the natural sweetness of apples and bananas. It is easy to do just by put it on the mixer.
person in front
①80 g of apples, peeled, cored and cut into bite-sized pieces. Cut 80 g of b anana into 3 equal pieces .
②Put (1) milk 100ml, ice 50g, honey 1large spoon , lemon juice 1 teaspoon in a blender and stir.
③Pour into a glass and you're done.