①ステーキ豚ロース (厚切り・2枚)200gは筋切りを・塩こしょう少々を振り・薄力粉をまんべんなくつける。
➃豚ロースに火が通ったら、②を加えて中火のまま熱し、よく絡める。味が馴染んだら皿に盛り、キャベツ ・トマト・ブロッコリーを乗せ有塩バター10gをのせて完成。
It goes well with rice, as well as as a snack of alcohol.
2 servings
①Steak pork loin (thick slices, 2 sheets) 200g, sprinkle with muscle cutting, a little salt and pepper, and apply flour evenly.
②In a bowl put a little salt and pepper, 1/2 tbsp salad oil, 1 tbsp sauce soy sauce, 1 tbsp mirin, 1/2 tbsp sugar, 1/2 tablespoon grated garlic, 1/2 tbsp oyster
sauce, 1/2 teaspoon of oyster sauce, 1/4 teaspoon of hawk's claw rings and mix well.
③Put the salad oil in a frying pan heated over medium heat and bake1 until both sides are browned.
➃When the pork loin is cooked, add ② and heat it over medium heat and mix well. Once the taste is familiar, serve on a plate and add 60g of cabbage (shredded), tomato, parsley (raw) and 10g salted butter.
*This time I served omelets
*How is it different from Meuniel???