* 鯵・鰯・鯖・モロコ
* ワカサギは漬けこみが浅い方が良い
* 野菜は季節の小松菜・ほうれん草・チンゲン采の湯がいた物を等を添えると良い。
Wakasagi pickled in Nanban (marinated)
At lake Yogo in Shiga Prefecture, wakasagi fishing is at its peak, and let's enjoy tempura and various dishes.
➀Wash the wakasagi, sprinkle with salt, place for 15-30 minutes, wash with water, put it in a plastic bag, sprinkle with rice flour and soak the freshly fried rice in sweet vinegar.
*Sweet vinegar: (vinegar: sugar = 3: 1), soy sauce and chili pepper according to preference
➀① Slice the onion, carrot, and peppers and add the rest of the food in the refrigerator.
* aji・iwash・mackerel・moroko
* Smelt should be shallowly pickled.
* Vegetables should be served with seasonal komatsuna, spinach, and Qinggen-rated hot water.