
F1 メキシコGP 予選 アロンソ コメント

9:22 – Fernando Alonso has described 11th as a "dream" position to start the Mexican Grand Prix, given that he will be on the clean side of the grid, with free choice of tyres.

Drivers have suffered graining with the Super Soft compound at the Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez, and the majority of the top 10 will start on the red-marked rubber.

Informed over the radio by his race engineer that he had qualified in 11th, Alonso shouted: "Yes, fantastic! On the clean side [of the grid] will be very important as well."

Speaking to reporters after the session, he expanded on his comments.

"It was probably the best position we could dream of in terms of race strategy," he said.

"We have free choice of tyre [for the start] and we are 11th, on the clean side of the grid, so many things went in our way, [even though] we were not quick enough, unfortunately.

"A couple of races ago we were entering Q3, and we were fighting for seventh, eighth, which is a good place, and now we're fighting for 10th, so it's better to be 11th probably."


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スマホ版は改行が うまくいってないので PCでみてね!



Fernando Alonso has described 11th as a "dream" position

                            to start the Mexican Grand Prix

フェルナンド アロンソは (予選)11位は メキシコグランプリをスタートするには 理想的なポジション と述べた


 ,given that he will be on the clean side of the grid,

                                                                 with free choice of tyres.






Drivers have suffered graining with the Super Soft compound

                           at the Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez,

                           オートドローモ ヘルマノㇲ ロドリゲスでは

ドラーバー達は スーパーソフト コンパウンドのグレイニングに苦しんでいた




the majority of the top 10


            will start on the red-marked rubber.





            Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez → メキシコGPが開催されるサーキットの名前




Informed over the radio by his race engineer

                    that he had qualified in 11th,

                    11位で予選を終えた ということを

レースエンジニアから 無線越しに知らされて


Alonso shouted:


"Yes, fantastic!

イエス ファンタステイック!

 On the clean side [of the grid]

             will be very important as well."


              同様に とても重要になるだろうよ。




Speaking to reporters

         after the session,



he expanded on his comments.


"It was probably the best position

               we could dream of in terms of race strategy,"

11位ってのは   レース戦略の面においては 夢見ることができた順位だったよ

he said.




        position の詳しい説明はwe could dream of in terms of race strategy

         → 夢見ることができた順位


        in terms of ~ → ~の面では



"We have free choice of tyre [for the start]




 we are 11th


, on the clean side of the grid



, so many things went in our way,

ほんとうに沢山のことを 自分たちのやり方で 進めたんだ 

               [even though] we were not quick enough, unfortunately.

               たとえ 不幸なことに十分に速くなかったとしてもね



"A couple of races ago

過去 数レース 

we were entering Q3,




we were fighting for seventh, eighth



, which is a good place,

それは いい順位だよね



 now we're fighting for 10th,    so it's better to be 11th probably."

今  僕らは10位をあらそっている だから あおそらく11位であることは よりよい順位でしょ




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