
F1 オーストリアGP 決勝 ガスリー コメント

Pierre Gasly, 7th
“It felt amazing to get back racing after such a long break and I think we started the season with a really exciting race. If someone had told us that we would have been P7 on Sunday we would have signed straight away, so I think we can be very happy with my result after a difficult start to the weekend. We knew the race was going to be a challenge because the Renaults, McLarens and Racing Points are very strong, but I had some good fights on track and managed to stay out of trouble until the end. It was a really good one for us today!”

↓          ↓

誤訳は ご容赦を。



Pierre Gasly, 7th

ピエール・ガスリー (決勝)7位

“It felt amazing    to get back racing after such a long break

素晴らしい気分だよ  長い延期の後、またレースをできる事がね 



I think     we started the season with a really exciting race.

僕は思うんだ 僕たちは、      エキサイティングなレースで、

             今シーズンをスタートしたんだ ってね。



If someone had told us  that we would have been P7 on Sunday

もし誰かが、僕たちに   決勝日に7位になってるかどうか尋ねたら

we would have signed   straight away,

僕たちは頷いただろうね すぐにね



I think       we can be very happy

僕は思うんだ とってもハッピーだってね

            with my result after a difficult start to the weekend.



We knew         the race was going to be a challenge

僕たちはわかってたんだ このレースがチャレンジングになる ってね



the Renaults, McLarens and Racing Points    are very strong,

ルノー、マクラーレン、レーシングポイントは  とっても強いからね



I  had some good fights on track

    コース上で いいバトルをしながら


    managed to stay out of trouble    until the end.

 トラブルをコントロールしたんだ  最後までね


It was a really good one   for us today!”

本当に良い結果になったよ 今日の僕たちにとってはね!

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