

いつも心がけている15のこと 15 things I always keep in mind and endeavour

2015年04月24日 | ライフスタイル
15 things I always keep in mind and endeavour.

1、暴飲暴食をしない Not commit excesses

感謝して食べる Eat with appreciation

腹八分目 Be moderate in eating

間食しない Not eat snacks

2.友人や愛する人のことを気にかけている Take care of my friends and peoples I love.

I give, do it with my full heart, soul, and effort.

Expect nothing in return."

感謝の心を忘れない Don't forget appreciation.

3.旅をする  Travel. As much as possible, whenever I can.

"Traveling will change I like little else can.

"It's about experiencing true risk and adventure

so I don't have to live in fear for the rest of my life.

And...inspiring others to step out of that fear, too."

4.瞑想する Learn to meditate.

5.読書をする  Read at least 1 book a month.

6.情報を集める Gather informations.

7.英語に触れる Do English every day


Keep a journal

"I WILL forget more of my precious memories that I'll remember,"

"My written records will entertain and endear in My future (wish I had).

My computer should make this archiving all the easier to implement and retain / recall.

Put files on memory sticks with photos.

My kids (or surviving spouse) may someday love you for it."


Stop comparing tyourself o others

  人を憎まない not hate、妬まない not be jealous, 罵らない not abuse

10. 歯を磨く Take care of my teeth.

11.睡眠を取る Get some sleep

一日,時間の睡眠を取る Sleep at least 7 hours a day.

12.節約する Saving and not waste

13.ストレッチをする Stretching

14、ポジティブに考える Always think possitively.


Be curious and do one thing that scares me every day.


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