
でも、英語が不十分なので、このワシントン広場のそばにあったNew schoolという英語学校にも毎週通いました。
Washington Square
1. From Cape Cod Light to the Mississip,
to San Francisco Bay,
They're talking about this famous place,
down Greenwich Village way.
They hootenanny all the time
with folks from everywhere,
Come Sunday morning, rain or shine,
right in Washington Square.
2. And so I got my banjo out,
just sittin' and collectin' dust,
And painted right across the face
"Greenwich Village or Bust."
My folks were sad to see me go,
but I got no meanin' there.
I said "Goodbye, Kansas, Mo,
and hello, Washington Square!"
3. Near Tennessee, I met a guy
who played 12-string guitar.
He also had a mighty voice,
not to mention a car.
Each time he hit those bluegrass chords,
you sure smelled mountain air.
I said, "Don't waste it on the wind.
Come on to Washington Square."
4. In New Orleans, we saw a gal
a-walkin' with no shoes,
And from her throat there comes a growl.
She sure was singin' the blues.
She sang for all humanity,
this gal with the raven hair.
I said, "It's for the world to hear.
C'mon to Washington Square."
5. We cannonballed into New York
on good old US 1,
Till up ahead we saw the arch,
a-gleamin' bright in the sun.
As far as all the eye could see,
ten thousand folks was there,
And singin' in sweet harmony
right in Washington Square.
6. So how's about a freedom song,
or the old Rock Island Line?
Or how's about the dust-bowl crop,
or men who work in a mine?
The songs and legends of our land is gold
we all can share,
So come and join us folks
who stand and sing in Washington Square.