The orthodox civilization is the festival politics of Japan


4 The pride of Yokohama

2022-02-24 08:46:34 | 世界経済

The woman worked at the ” soap land " died , she helped her sister and brother go to school and they graduated it .
 But , her family did not come to her funeral , and 
 " Please send her ashes by " Takkyu-bin ". 
 She gave most of money that got working gave to her family . 

 「おコツは 宅急便で送ってください」

 「食いたいだけ食って 10万円20万円のコートを着てブリブリ言わせているオンナ たくさんいるんだから」
 「バカだ バカだ おまえは 大バカだ うわっー」
