The following one
be on the field ミ
F1 ピエール ガスリー コラムから Part3
この前の 続き
Also, with Honda, it's a bit difficult to fight against Toyota, though we're trying to focus on ourselves, and it's getting better. In the last two races I was the first Honda driver, finishing seventh and then top five in Fuji. Of course, it's not as high as I'd like, but it takes time to get back to the top. In pre-season testing we were really good in cold conditions and we seem to struggle in warmer conditions, but we're working, finding little tunings each weekend.
That's the negatives – the positives are it's a great series.

You have experienced drivers, even though we don't really talk about it in Europe, there are drivers who have spent 10 years in Super Formula, and they know exactly how to race with the car, all the tracks in Japan, the feeling etcetera, so for me it's good there as you really need to push hard and be at the front, and the level is good.
It's also a really good series in terms of tyres; the tyres have a really small window, if you want to extract everything from the tyres, so you have to do the out-lap properly, the warm-up lap properly, to get everything ready for qualifying. It's quite tough with this car, but it's pretty good as it teaches you to be accurate with all the procedures inside the car.
In the races you can push flat out all the time and you have really low degradation. Of course, as a driver I prefer to do that rather than some tyre management, but it's quite intense, as for one hour and 20 minutes you have to take 100 per cent out of the car at each corner, so I think it's good preparation as well, and it's great to be able to drive quick cars! Overall it's good preparation for the future.
↓ ↓ ↓
誤訳は ご容赦を。
スマホ版は 改行がうまくいってないのでPCで見てね。
Also, with Honda,
it's a bit difficult to fight against Toyota,
トヨタを 相手にして 戦うのは ちょっと難しいんだ。
though we're trying to focus on ourselves,
僕らは 自分自身に焦点を当てて
it's getting better.
In the last two races
I was the first Honda driver
僕は HONDAのドライバーで 最速だったんだ
, finishing seventh and then top five in Fuji.
7位で完走して そして 富士ではトップ5だったし。
Of course,
it's not as high as I'd like,
それは 僕が 望んでるほど ハイレベルではないよ
it takes time to get back to the top.
トップへ 戻るのは 時間がかかるんだよ。
In pre-season testing
we were really good in cold conditions
僕らは 寒いコンデイションでは ホントに良かったんだ
we seem to struggle in warmer conditions,
暖かい コンデイションでは うまくいってないように 見える
we're working , finding little tunings each weekend.
僕らは働いていて そして 毎週末 小さな調整をしてるんだよ
That's the negatives
これらが ネガティブな面だよ
– the positives are it's a great series.
ポジティブな面は SUPER-FORMULAが晴らしいシリーズだってことだね
You have experienced drivers,
経験の あるドライバーたちが 居るんだ
even though we don't really talk about it in Europe,
ヨーロッパでは その事について 話されていないけれど
there are drivers who have spent 10 years in Super Formula,
SUPER-FORMULAには 10年も やってるドライバーが いるんだ
they know exactly how to race with the car,
彼らは このマシンでの レースの やり方を 正確に 解ってるんだ
all the tracks in Japan,
日本の すべての コースは
the feeling etcetera,
フィーリングは 極上だよ
for me
it's good there
as you really need to push hard and be at the front,
激しくプッシュして トップになる必要があるからね
the level is good.
レベルも 高いしね。
It's also a really good series
in terms of tyres
タイヤの面でも また
本当に いいシリーズなんだ
; the tyres have a really small window,
つまり タイヤは 本当に小さなウインドウ(グリップが高い所)しかないんだよ
if you want to extract everything from the tyres,
もし そのタイヤから (性能の)すべてを 引き出したいなら
so you have to do the out-lap properly,
適切な アウトラップを 行わなければ ならないんだ
the warm-up lap properly,
適切に(タイヤを)温める 周回だよ
to get everything ready for qualifying.
予選に向けて すべての準備をするためのね 。
It's quite tough with this car,
それは このマシンでは 凄く厳しい事なんだ
it's pretty good
凄く いい事でもあるんだよ
as it teaches you to be accurate with all the procedures inside the car.
それによって マシンの中での 全ての手順を正確にすることを教えられるからね。
In the races
you can push flat out all the time
全ての瞬間 全開でプッシュできるよ
you have really low degradation.
デグラデーション のレベルは ホントに低いしね
Of course,
as a driver
I prefer to do that rather than some tyre management,
いくつかのタイヤを管理するより そうすることが 好きなんだ
it's quite intense,
それは かなり 激しいことなんだよ
as for one hour and 20 minutes
you have to take 100 per cent out of the car at each corner,
各コーナーで マシンから 100%を引き出さなければ ならないからね
I think
僕は こう思うんだ
it's good preparation as well,
それは 同じように いい準備になるし
it's great to be able to drive quick cars!
速いマシンをドライブできることは すばらしいことだって 思うんだ。
全てを 顧みると
it's good preparation for the future.
それは 未来へ向けての いい準備になるんだ。