


2006年06月18日 10時49分57秒 | スポーツ





 写真:墓地になったサラエボのサッカー場 大塚敦子氏HP(http://atsukophoto.com/photo/column4.html#top)より 



3 コメント

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さあ、決戦の時 (三高 章)
2006-06-18 17:27:54




「守りきる文化」という点におきましては、個人的なことになりますが、まさに昨日(6月17日)の高校野球の試合においてその難しさを痛切に感じさせられることとなりました。長男が先発。3対0とリードして迎えた9回裏。間単に2死を取り、虎党にならい「あとひとりコール」を心の中で送っていたその矢先。2点を失う結果が待っていたとは…。試合には辛勝したものの、守りきることの難しさをまざまざと見る思いでした。自宅に戻った長男からコメントを聞くと、「最後のひとりに対しては、腕が振れなかった」とのこと。う~ん それに対して父親としてはもはや何も言ってあげる言葉がないのですが。

土壇場で最大限の力をいかに発揮するか。それは日頃における心の備えということになるのでしょうか? 9回裏二死満塁ツースリー。次の1球を渾身のストレートで勝負をするのか、それとも外に逃げるスライダーでかわすのか。その答えを常に用意しておけば、土壇場でも慌てることはないのでしょうが。しかし現実にはそれが難しい…。



直球勝負の幸せ (阪口直人)
2006-06-18 20:15:47




The World Cup (Ayu)
2006-06-23 22:28:23
Watching the world cup, is undeniably exciting for many reasons. Firstly, let me congratulate Japan for having the first goal in fighting with Brazil. It always gives a tension to challenge Brazil as the winning champion for several times now. It\'s admiresome not to give up. Even if you have to return home afterwards, you can held your head high for having such courage. Admiresome.

As for the fight with Croatia...I also watched them. Closely, up until the end. To be frankly it\'s very disappointing to end with 0-0, but 0-0 on the other hand is also an evidence that both are strong in defense. As part of Asia, I darely say that this is too, charming, if we pay a closer look.

The world cup is interesting for many reasons, though. Many love it because it\'s a chance to see all those stars battling for the one and only cup (and many have chance to see their favorite star, including the handsome yet also skillful players, too). But it is frankly just now that i begin to see it in a deeper historical view of it, when I read your blog. Fascinating.

It reminds me so much about the other gleaming team, Argentina. I was quite disappointed last world cup that it\'s being defeated by the UK. But this year, it\'s a whole new spirit! (Good thing about a game is that you can always fight again!)

For me, there\'s a yearning feeling to support this team as well, as Argentina resembles my country so much in certain areas, like being heavily indebt. Being so courageous to take side on their own people, I lift my hat and include this country as one of the countries I support to win this year\'s world cup. Seeing their courage stating its mind on debt, I wish that my country can do the same as well...not always nod towards other people\'s command, and being able to state their mind more. Maybe we have many to learn. I just hope that we still have time.

Other than Argentina, I also favor Brazil...I think Brazil has a beautiful play, and deserves credit for many reasons... Though UK\'s play is also refine, I still care more to support Brazil, and Argentina this time... It\'s always amazing to see the third world country, indebt and wounded by conflict, still have spirit to fight and stand up for themselves in the world cup. Amazing, isn\'t it!

So amazing, that in the soccer field, anything could happen. It\'s also amazing that it is the only field where we stand equal with other countries...where money seem to be powerless in buying victory.

With any reason it might be, the world cup is fascinating in many angles. Seeing the fighting spirits of countries, their strategies and diligence to win, their tiredless effort. It gives people everywhere, a strong spirit to never surrender in some ways...

My country is still facing the hardship after the earthquake. For one more reason to add to the list of reasons why the world cup is facsinating, is the reality that the the world cup consolidates many people in pain, and ease their sorrow...whether it is on the middle of ruins, in the emergency hospital\'s ward, everywhere...including those who is still feeling the pain of the natural disasters recently happen frequently in my country.

I guess, the world cup gives one more reason for one to be grateful of; because we are still alive, and we have enough strength to struggle and fight for our dreams and happiness, however simple it might be...just like the players now giving all of their strength, to win the game; at least, to be able to return home with head held high.

and for that, I dearly feeling that the world cup is one of the beautiful things that we should cherish, no matter what the result is.

