

2024年07月03日 | 三田だより


跡取りできた めでためでたの鯉のぼり 登れ天まで元気良く

跡取りできた めでためでたのひな祭り 登れ天まで 鯉のぼり

Yesterday, I did a mountain of paperwork at the alumni association office in Tamachi.

My lunch consisted of grilled fish sausage, boiled hijiki seaweed, stir-fried vegetables, fruit, etc.

I hadn't been to karaoke for a while, so after helping out at the alumni association, I went to Jocco, the cheapest karaoke in Tamachi, and sang loudly for an hour and a half while drinking Suntory Kaku Highballs.

I felt refreshed and my voice was good because it had been a while, so I practiced Murata Hideo's "Iwai-bushi," which is my new favorite song.

I got a decent score on the DAM precision grading. I will finally make my public debut.
However, I have changed the lyrics of the second verse of this song from the perspective of gender equality.

〈Second verse〉
A child has been born in our home. Congratulations, congratulations, let's fly carp streamers.
Climb up to the sky with energy.

〈After change〉
A child has been born in our home. Congratulations, congratulations, if it's a girl, let's celebrate Hinamatsuri 🎎.
If it's a boy, let's fly carp streamers up to the sky.

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