▼ 10月25日のお昼休み、近所の農道を散歩していたら、イタチもしくはムジナのような小動物が、ネズミをくわえてていました。私たちを警戒するあまりに、ネズミをその場に置いたまま、足早に逃走しましたが、獲物に対する未練が断ち切れず、さと芋畑に潜み様子をうかがっていました。小ぶりのネズミは上向きの状態で、すでに事切れていました。
▼ 私たちはイタチもしくはムジナが、ネズミを取りに戻りやすくするため、その場から離れて、様子を見ることにしました。細長い身体を波打たせながら、イタチもしくはムジナは無事にネズミをくわえて、走り去りました。「なんてこった、スマホを忘れたよ。こんな光景、滅多に出会えないのに!」と後悔しながらも、「いや~っ、いいもの見れたなぁ!」と思いました。
▼ 私たちはイタチもしくはムジナが、ネズミを取りに戻りやすくするため、その場から離れて、様子を見ることにしました。細長い身体を波打たせながら、イタチもしくはムジナは無事にネズミをくわえて、走り去りました。「なんてこった、スマホを忘れたよ。こんな光景、滅多に出会えないのに!」と後悔しながらも、「いや~っ、いいもの見れたなぁ!」と思いました。

Around 9:30 pm on October 21st, I stopped by the smoking area next to the statue of Hachiko in front of Shibuya Station.
Even if there are no trash cans, I think it's a bad idea to throw garbage other than cigarette butts into the stand ashtray.
First of all, it's filthy.

This raises the question of smoking etiquette even more, and further strengthens the criticism of tobacco.
Not only in the smoking area, but also around the bench in front of Hachiko was in a miserable state.
I couldn't point the camera at people's feet, but there was a smoking area in front of me, but the ground was littered with cigarette butts.
International city Tokyo, in front of Shibuya station, would be useless.

If smokers themselves continue to make the place where they can smoke dirty, it will burn down in no time.
For example, it is easy to assume that the number of smoking areas will decrease dramatically after the Tokyo Olympics. It was a really sad sight.

On October 18, we walked the Hakuunbashi course on Mt.
First, we paid a visit to Mt. Tsukuba Shrine and climbed up from the east side to the Nyotaiyama side.
Near the summit, strange and huge rocks such as "Benkei's Seven Returns," "Takamagahara," "Tainai Kuguri," and "Defune Irifune" can be seen, and there are many steep and rocky sections.
It was a little early for the autumn leaves, but the view looking down was wonderful.

On the way down, we took a different route. The time required was a full 6 hours of climbing, including a delicious lunch at Miyukigahara, climbing Nantaisan, and taking breaks, so we had plenty of time to enjoy ourselves.
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