4月22日には、たくさん間食をしてしまった。部屋でゴルフの素振りの練習を、50×6回ほどしてみた。久しぶりのことなので、身体にとてもこたえた。行きつけのクリニックでの体重測定で、 68.5 kgだった。良い状態の時よりも3キロほど体重が増えていた。散歩をした後も、どおりで疲れが前よりもきついはずだ。コンビニで菓子パンを買った。歩いて自宅に着くまで、菓子パンが食べたくて仕方がなかった。
When we entered the entrance of Sendai Kosei Hospital, we found a thick booklet entitled 'National Hospital Ranking' stacked on the floor.
It even came with a handbag to take home and a sign saying "Please feel free to take it home".
I was a little interested, but passed it by, thinking that I wouldn't read it anyway.
Presumably, the hospital is ranked high and is distributing the booklets for free as a way of advertising its high ranking.
Nevertheless, I got the impression of how confident they were.
A smoking area was set up near the car park.
It was a magnificent stand ashtray, and when I looked inside, I found many cigarette butts, as if it was used frequently.
I went to the hospital for three days and saw visitors and hospital staff smoking cigarettes day and night.
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